Kids of this days are exceptional

in #hivelearners10 months ago

Good day,day, amazing people of the hivethe hive block chain.chain. WelcomeWelcome back to another edition of the hive learners weekly prompts. Iprompts. I am so happy to welcometo welcome you guys back to my blog.



I love kids who are sheer intelligent.intelligent. TheseThese kids alone give me I have come across kids like this whosewhose actions and questions always make me shocked.shocked. MostMost times,times, II will be shut outshut out of words because thesethese kids are really amazing.

Most kids are sheerlysheerly intelligent andintelligent and natural,natural, while some are not.not. TheThe words that come out ofof thesethese sheer kids always make me wonder if there is something speaking through them.



I have comecome to understand that kids thesethese days are really II can remember my days as a teacher havinghaving a lot of smart kids in my class.class. TheseThese kids always make me study hard because II wouldwould not like to come to class and embrace myself.

There was this encounter II hadhad with one of them.them. II made a mistake in myspelling, and spelling, and immediately the kids drewdrew my attention.attention. YouYou made a mistake in your spelling.spelling. II was so embracing that II was being corrected by the peopleI was I was teaching. Most times in my quietquiet time,time, II will sit and wonder what kind of kids Ikids I am teaching because thesethese kids are super amazing.

Most times,times, this kidkid baffles II will always be wonderingwondering if Iif I am the one teaching themthem or the otherother way around.around. ThatThat is why II take my time to prepare myself before teaching them.



Their actions and thinking will always make me wonder if these kids existed in this world before nowOneOne thing II get to know about themthem is that they want to know things happening around them, and are sensitive and observant.

There was this movie I was seeing during the weekend. It was the kids that spotted that another woman was with their dad’s car. These kids are really observant.

I have this niece of mine that I have seen intelligent. Her name is Sonia, and I am really blessed to have her as my sister. Seriously, she is an amazing kid, and everybody in the family is proud of her. I call her aunt Sonia. She is always ready to ask questions. Most times, I run away from her questions. She is really smart. She doesn’t waste time correcting you when you are wrong. Most times, I will always wonder if this girl has come to this world before her actions, and her level of maturity is top notch.

She is just 7 years old, but she acts more than her age. She has a bright future and great potential. One thing I love about this is that she doesn’t joke about her education. She has won many awards in her school, and currently her school is giving her a scholarship. I have really learned a lot from this little niece of mine.

This is my entry in the ongoing content #hl-w114e1.

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Kids are really exceptional these days.
They are very smart and intelligent.
They don't hesitate to correct their teachers.

Very exceptional my dear