my casino expérience
Hi , hive/steemit , im here today to talk about my gamblers xp during the past 10 years. (i will not provide any links to gambling website)
I had start to gamble cause of video game.. more spécificaly Counter-Strike Global offensive.
in this game you had some skin , these skin got a real money value , and you can change it in crypto or Fiat.
CSGOlounge was a website where you can bet a proffésional match.. i loved watch some match and gamble on it , starting with bad skin (0.09cts) and win 4 or 5 dragonlore (high value skin)
dragon lore
But step by step im enterring in a new world of gaming... the gambling.. oh and its beggining to make the hell in my life...
bet on some E-sport match was fine, but after all of this , there is website of case openning.. less expensive than open skin on the game..
but you can gamble for better skin too... here we go , im addicted to this things..
i lost money , but i don't realise...
i still have a job then i can easily handle this then, i just play & play , but i know how to do the things , i still paid my rent and bills
im just eating pasta almost everyday..
i had keep gamling , playing , betting , winning loosing during almost 5 month..and...
The angels falls

img source :
The rest of the story is worthy of a TV show.
i lost my GF and my job the same day (also my mobile phone broke when i just run out my car).
I was littéraly lost , in my mind, in my life, what can i do for being better...
And i just gamble...
few days after this.. i discover Bitcasino, the most famous crypto casino a few years ago.
with their promotion, i sign in..
in the same time My physical handicap prevents me from finding a job, i had some économy due to csgo skin gamble luck..
and some familly who just help me.. (but i never said to them i was playing casino)
i can survive almost 4 months..
4 month later..
I still have no job , i don't pay my rent , i don't pay my bills , i don't pay internet... i had nothing... only my eyes for crying
I am losing weight visibly, i don't go outside of my house..
i still have electricity cause its thewinter break (they can't cut electricity in winter) ,
i found another job... im suffering but im still trying to.. i can' pay everything again and im just streaming on twitch cause i like that.. i had stop gambling.. my bank account is negative everymonth but i still survive..
I keep this works 7 months and my physical disease make me stop by the doctor...
The vicious circle
its fine , i can survive with the social assistance i have in my country.. i had a new girl friend.. everything is fine...
im not gambling anymore.. , just streaming and playing..
and im meet someone from steem.. he talk me about steem but i was not interested as this time...
here we go again.. (i can't stop think about the meme of gta san andreas)..
i lost GF , still no work , im just streaming on FPS game most of time...
i just stay in my house... paying nothing.. i lost internet... im more and more weight..
i stay in my bed... using my laptop with some free hotspot watching lot of series and movies.. but im not gambling..
i just discover this new world... i can play videogame and be paid... i loved it..
im so motivated for this platform.. creating content.. and using almost all my earning for eat (almost pizza everyday) and paying bils.. but im live again..
i was talking to all my friend about steem (most of them was thinking im foolish)
i have really enjoy this part.
a friend (on hive and steem) @criminalacorm paid internet for me.. then i could stream again...
and @french.fyde invite me on steem...
All this dapp and groups @Dtube , @Dlive , @steemgc (now @hivegc) make me survive in this periods
i was so glad and happy to be inside this part... creating content and never stop... Learning new things , happy to try to create something with other..participating to some project as @steemauvergne..
But step by step my old demons came back.. some game as @steemslotgames or @magicdice... "oooow shit here we go again"
... and im just falling again due to.. due to no one its only my own fault...
im watching some slots streamer on twitch... and with the crypto générated i can spin again on bitcasino...
as you can see... when i had stop steemit 2 years ago.. i was streaming casino with somme affliate programs...
thinking i win money.. but lost money as 5/6 number....
i had to stop.. I have skin on my bones, I can barely stand up, I no longer clean up my apartment .. I let myself die slowly.
Save Me
day after day.. im trying to go out... woke up 6am instead of 6pm, going to run... with no energy.. but trying to do it..
day after day streaming videogame without pleasure..
and i want to make some toornament on this video game Apex legends
im bad on this games lost my tracking but you can see some clip of my skill on twitch
in the same time , i meet a girl , she knew about my situation , she just save me from starving.. come to my house the week just for feed me.. (really) and im playing apex legends most of time.. im not even talking with her.. just eating playing sleeping.. and she do the same things the next week.. and the next one..etc
I think she didn't know but without her , i should maybe not be here actually, she save me.. but im still gambling in same time.. and she gamble with me too... i make her introduce in the steem world in the crypto world too..
3 months past , and she came to live in my house.... she have a works then i couldn't play the night.. because im to loud when im speking to my mates in game.. then its more easy to me for woke up at 6 am.. she is cooking for me.. but same things im just eating , playing sleeping gambling... ... and it was enough...
yes its my account :P (but im bad now i didn't play since 3/4 months)
The game save me.. i found a team... i had make lots of tournament , no time to gamble with the trainning , scrim , pracc tournament.. i was really foccussing on it.. some time i was going on slots game , making some spin but not as before..
the E-sport on the game make me more happy.
i don't know if link work..
Day by day im improving my level forgetting about casino.. but now im too old for trying to be pro on video game.. i had stop and im just playing nft game , mining , living.. some time streaming... i can say video game save my life (and this girl which is actually my girlfriend she do all i want for get the best mind for being good at video game)
nowaday im still gambling with moderation and im not giving any money to casino.. just stacking holding and waiting , im using stake casino (they give me bonus every week) then i just use this money for play
If you think you are in the Vicious cercle of the casino, don't stay alone talk to your friend, familly.. and go outside of this things..
i really hope it can helps other to not be addicted to this king of game.. and not falling in gambler fallacy
thanks for reading :) , Have a nice day and.. keep connected