Welcome to Serfdom & Sorcery

in #hivegaminglast year (edited)

** Finally my first post for S&S.
In this post we are going to talk about registration. How to register and which classes to choose.

Join psyberx discord Here

Head over to register-here channel
Type in
*### Registering from hive wallet

You can register with hive, wax, koinos and none which means you can open a ticket later to add your wallet.

Select the hive chain

Enter your hive wallet username (cross verify before submitting it)

Same way you can choose wax wallet and enter your wax wallet username and same goes for koinos wallet as well.


Choosing a class is the most important thing in the entire game.

Nature - They are farming class. Commands !harvest can be run every 2 minutes and !mine can be run every 5 minutes. On level 40 you can become lumberjack and sell wood every hour for dbln. If your play style is to very often in S&S then this class might be more suitable for you. I'm nature in nature class

Combat - You get deal more damage in fighting monsters. Best for leveling up and getting to higher levels. Level 65 you can become steelsmith which gives you steel currently most scarce resource in game.

Pillager - They steal from people and get into fueds with other people. Most fun as it explores PvP aspect of the game. Not so much fun for the other 2 classes as they are getting robbed by the pillagers. You can ask for protection from guildmates or other people to be safe from pillagers.

Each class has its own benefits and drawbacks and based on the chosen class your gameplay will be different.

Eg nature can choose to level up higher level pickaxe to mine more tokens every 5 minutes
Combat can choose the path to buy potions which helps in healing health to full and battling the monsters.
Pillagers can buy wardogs and level them up which not only takes your enemy tokens but also takes away their health.

So choose your class wisely.

Lastly you if someone has referred you can mention their discord username. If you don't have any referal username you can use my discord username maxpain007

Classes can be changed but this feature is not yet implemented.

In order to know more about each class before registering. Kindly refer Here

To follow game updates join discord follow them on hive Here

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