Chart Your course, Mateys! New Adventures awaits in The Pirate Saga Game

in #hivegames3 months ago

Ahoy swashbucklers! It's about to get more adventurous, big changes are around the horizon.

No rest for the wicked! Adding Energy System

Pirates are tough, they need to adjust to every situation. However, even the fiercest needs to rest and revitalize. That's why we are introducing the energy system.

Now, no more endless grinding mates. Each task will now cost energy, meaning ye'll need to plan wisely about what you do.

Every choice will matter.

A hungry pirate crew won't last long. Mutiny will be around the corner!

To add more gameplay and mechanics to the pirate game, I want to add more commands. However, I am adding an energy system to prevent abuse so that someone cannot play the game limitlessly.
Another feature/improvement of this addition is it will add to the gameplay mechanics. Pirates need energy/food to do tasks. So, they have to find fish, cook and eat. Or come up with certain resources to get enough energy for the task. I am only adding food items like fish, crabs and lobsters to the energy system. Later, I will add herbs + rum tonic that will boost energy + earnings for a limited time.

Scour the seas for fish, crabs and lobsters to keep your energies high. A well-fed crew will be a fearsome crew!

Hoist the Sails!!: !setsail command

The cooldown for setsail command will remain same: 5 mins. Each setsail command will require 5 energy points to run.

Special commands

Special commands used to be role specific, like Navigator role had !takethehelm, smuggler role had !smugglerun etc.
But with energy system and other future mechanics, each role will have brand new abilities. Here's a sneak peek of what lies ahead:

  • Healer Role: Patch up your crew and replenish some energy. Healer will be able to replenish some energy after a while.
  • Navigator Role: Navigator will be able to avoid enemy attacks and steer towards places/regions which has better chance for treasures and rewards.
  • Attacker Role: This role will have some advantage while fighting with other players.
  • Smuggler Role: Smugglers will make profits while smuggling large quantities of items and rum but will pay a bounty/fine if caught by other players etc.

These new role specific commands and advantages will better suit for the pirate roles.
So, from this update, each player can play any of the four special command: !takethehelm, !smugglerun, !findhealings and !fightmonster.

Special commands will have a 10-minute cooldown now instead of 1 hour and will require 10 energy points to run.

Fuel up from !cookfood

Hungry pirates can't plunder. You can get energy by cooking food. For now, you can cook small, medium, large fish, crabs and lobsters.
Each item will give you energy between a range, for example, small fish will give you between 1-5 energy points. So, if you cook 5 small fish, it will give you 5-25 energy points.

Each cooking process requires wood to cook items. So, you need to be smart and plan wisely, otherwise all your wood stocks will be gone in no time!

Catch fish and other items using fishnet

There is already a way to catch small, medium and large fishes using !fishpole.
Another addition is fishing net. You can craft a fishing net using 10 wood, 7 iron and 5 rope.

You have to cast the fishing net and then haulnet to check what you have caught.

Apart from fishes, you can catch crabs and lobsters, loot coins, and treasure chests using fishing net.
There is a chance that your fishing net breaks. If it happens, you can salvage your fishing net using !salvagefishingnet command. It will give you back some items used in crafting fishing net.

Then you can craft the fishing net again.

Pirate Power Leaderboard Changes

Now, the pirate power leaderboard only calculates the packs and pirate power of pirates. As the packs and cards are limited, but loot earned is easy, and could be a large number in future, so it can be easily bought to climb the leaderboard rewards.

Also, in the upcoming updates, earnings of various commands will be based on pirate power. Meaning if you have higher pirate power, you can earn more loot from setsail, special commands, barrelman and irondefense commands etc.

So, buying, collecting and trading cards becomes more valuable. More pack sales in future, meaning more rewards for players.

What's next on the horizon?

  • Registering account through website.
    Now, new players can only register through discord bot, as the game started as a small discord game. But in the next update on the website The Pirate saga , new players will be able to register through website as well.

  • Diving expeditions: Players can craft diving kits using some items and explore the underwater seas for fishes, food items, treasure chests and loot coins.

  • Island Exploration: New tools like machetes, bow and arrow, to hunt animals and find treasure maps etc. Also, wood is an important resource for cooking food items and energy system. So, cutting trees to get wood would also be added in future.

  • Items for Ship battles and plundering other pirate ships: Still in progress...

  • Defensive Items: Reinforced hull, decoy cargo, smoke bombs.

  • Offensive Items: Basic Cannonballs, Reinforced Cannonballs, Explosive kegs.

  • Utility Items: Enhanced Spyglass, rum barrels, treasure compass.

The pirate life is not for everyone, especially for the faint o' heart. So, go on and cook yer food, craft yer nets and prepare to sail.

Fair winds me hearties! The sea waits for no one. 🏴‍☠️

—Yer Captain

Join the pirate saga game on Drip Discord Channel

May the winds be forever at your backs!