It took a couple days to put this together, but I did it the wrong way. Meaning I built most of the post from scratch. Instead, what I should have done would be to progressively build the post along the time I discovered things (yes, I didn't find all these in a week time of course).
But, lesson learned, and on the next one I am already doing that. This post will incur some updates until the end of the year. Then, in the beginning of 2022, I will start a new one. Already thinking on promoting that one a week or two, because my aim is for people to really put some attention to #HIVEGames and spread the word. So, it will have sort of giveaways and prizes for who really wanna help.
Spoiling a bit of my plans LOL, but hey, still all brewing very hot in my head, so better put some words down while I remmember.
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