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RE: Hive Folks Launch Announcement/🌟 Tomorrow 3 PM UTC/ 12.9.2021

in #hivefolks3 years ago

Fact is I wasn't even downvoting you until I read comments of you turning against the platform you've been promoting which I openly admitted in the past that I thought you're bringing value to. Now you're on the other side wanting to do the opposite for the platform just because you got a few downvotes. I admit I was harsh in some of my comments and accusations, most likely wrong too, but I don't care, you're openly an enemy to the ecosystem now so I'll deal with that however I like, others can counter or judge me for that behavior. I most often don't care about what I say on Hive and hopefully people judge me based on what I do rather than what I may say to some losers like you. Anyway, done wasting time now, good luck trying to tarnish my reputation.


Fact is I wasn't even downvoting you until I read comments of you turning against the platform you've been promoting which I openly admitted in the past that I thought you're bringing value to. Now you're on the other side wanting to do the opposite for the platform just because you got a few downvotes.

How many times do I have to address this same lie?

I'm making a bunch of noise because there's a handful of folks censoring content and pushing people off the platform, because the platform is not and has never been decentralized.

I focused on you for my last post, because you're the one going around spreading libel about me, not because you're the only one downvoting me, or even the one doing it the most.

I admit I was harsh in some of my comments and accusations, most likely wrong too, but I don't care

The surprising part here is that you admit it, not that you don't care.

Anyway, done wasting time now, good luck trying to tarnish my reputation.


Captain Projection strikes again!

You're literally attacking my reputation (in the system) while spreading lies about me on the platform, and now trying to claim that I'm "tarnishing" your reputation.

Ah I see now you were talking about the post rewards of this post, not @ocdb.

I was wrong. See? I admitted it again.

Anyway this is bringing a lot of value to Hive so naturally people want to reward the effort that went behind it. It's not like @lordbutterfly is farming post rewards daily or posting stupid shit.

Ah I see now you were talking about the post rewards of this post, not @ocdb.

I was wrong. See? I admitted it again.

Yep. Just an example being given - not trying to say anything one way or the other about the project, the post, or anyone behind the project.

I tagged the folks I did because they're all folks who say that "over-rewarded" is the reason for censorship - even though it falls wildly disproportionately onto very specific communities & content, who are almost never on trending, and who are doing in-depth research, actual journalism, etc.

It's not like @lordbutterfly is farming post rewards daily or posting stupid shit.

Never claimed that - especially not about butterfly, who kicks ass!

Notice that I've never made judgemental statements about your content, azir's content, etc. Also, never made an attacks or judgments about the things any of you have done on the platform - outside the very specific example of malicious downvoting for censorship of non-corporate narratives, and the general problem of centralization on this chain.

Curangel is one project with delegated stake from others. You can't call it centralized when there's many other projects with way more stake and even users with way more personal stake. You've been downvoted from 3-4 different "whales" who many probably had their own reasons to, I doubt whoever altleft is has been conspiring against zero'ing your rewards together with curangel and smooth, he surely hasn't contacted me about it and neither have the others. Similarly to their downvotes there's also a ton of overrewarded votes from the same "centralization" you talk about, i.e. one voter with a big delegation (jamesc-tribesteemup) or xeldal's trail do the same thing but the opposite way. Somehow that's fine but when it's downvotes it instantly means the system is centralized? come on.


The surprising part here is that you admit it, not that you don't care.

I already admitted it a few times yesterday. You're the one who ignored it because your post was so focused on "how I said things" rather than you ruining your own reputation by how you were behaving.

Well you are. You're bringing up post rewards of a giveaway fund as if I'm farming rewards in an unrelated post about an NFT project, after you've been posting junk daily for years. lol

you ruining your own reputation by how you were behaving.

Interesting that you keep pretending this is the reality - when the comments of my last two posts were full of people who would say otherwise - many of whom don't agree with me on (m)any things, and some of whom actively don't like me.

Yet they all come together to call out the tyrannical bullshit.

You're bringing up post rewards of a giveaway fund as if I'm farming rewards in an unrelated post about an NFT project

I made no statement about you farming anything. Didn't even know you were involved in the project as you're kind of making it sound in this comment? I was simply addressing the BULLSHIT excuse that this is all about "over-rewarded" content with a perfect example sitting at the top of trending.

after you've been posting junk daily for years.

Not daily, I'd have at least 3x the posts if that was the case. And you can't say it's junk (even subjectively) because we both know you don't read or watch any of it.

Cause you decided to use things I've said in the heat of the moment when you were turning against the hand that's fed you as "this is the people that are censoring" me, when in fact I wasn't even downvoting you to begin with until you turned into a dickhead.

Show me some other proofs of where I've been "censoring people", I'm not even for zero'ing rewards and have often stated I don't agree with curangel's ways. The sad part is I was most likely going to help counter them if they targeted you for longer but I usually wait it out to 1, see if it means more realistic rewards over time when autovoters/etc get disincentivized by downvotes and 2. the reaction of the downvoted users. You failed the latter with your entitlement and it just got worse after quick.

Ura-soul's new un-trending front end will be ready soon, and I won't have to spend hours digging through your history to see it :-)

Also, if you read my post to/about you (which you admitted you didn't) you'd notice that less than 1% of it was about down-voting in any way.

It was about you publishing libel, in an attempt to defame my character, while defending the malicious abuse & censorship I was talking about.

Remember, that post where you left all those crazy comments only talked about Curangel.