Hivefest and the real power of a community

in #hivefest3 years ago

WhatsApp Image 2022-09-19 at 22.45.40.jpeg

Failure is an opportunity to start again with more intelligence - Henri Ford

3 years that I haven't published anything on the chain. Never been on Hive and still calling it 'Steem'...

I was in love with Steem. Or maybe wasn't it Steem. Maybe it was its community.

I was in love with its community. I found my people there. My tribe. People like me. Weirdo but not weirdo. People that don't fit perfectly the society. People who just want freedom, liberty and transparency. Dreamer of another world.

Today, the Steem Community built their new identity : from Steemian they became... I guess.. Hivian.

I have never been an Hivian.

I stayed far away from Steem/Hive theses last three years. I had another baby to take care of rather than dreaming of changing the world one day at a time on Steem Hive.

I stayed away because of a bunch of Haters that doesn't wanted me to shine too much I didn't wanted to deal with during the most important time of my life : becoming a mom.

But... The newly called Hivian community belongs to my heart. Since the first day I met them in real life at Lisbon during Steemfest2 (or should I rebrand it by Hivefest2 ?!)

So... Even if I am not blogging, not reading, not commenting, not participating on Hive, I love you.

And meeting few of you at the Eye Film Museum was like I had never left you.

So... thank you for being you, for being my Hivian and real life friend, for not forgetting me and for making me feeling still so beloved. And thank you to all the others Hivian that just 'are'.

@gandalf and your lovely wife, I can't wait to see you next time in Montpelier.

@walterjay, my old french friend que j'attends de pied ferme sur mon podcast prochainement.

@detlev, my fellow Dutch speaking Belgian hivian friend, always true to himself.

@martibis and @lizanomadsould for your energy and happiness that never leave you through the years.

@starkerz because you always says the perfect words for me lifting up my self-esteem.

@soyrosa for being so clever and so intuitive.

@felixxx and the German community where I am sure I would have been beloved and truly appreciated to my own value.

@manncpt because maybe one day we may work on eramsus + projects together. Times flies.

@alexvan just because.

@arcange, my fellow Belgian Hivian who teached me the role of a witness long time ago et qui permet à mon projet de 'fast-reply' de vivre, I hope so.

@howo, another French gem who seems never stop growing.

@roelandp for his skeptical face always i show up not being registered for the fest... In Bangkok, in Amsterdam. Where is next?

@pharesim that I excuse for not remembering me after all theses years.

I've seen from far away, steemian Hivian with who I would have loved to chat but had no chance, as @steevc, @rivalzzz, @louis88, @blocktrades for example.

Or I would have loved to continue my discussion with @therealwolf 's wife about how to homeschooling and roadschooling with kids.

I am sad that I haven't had the chance to meet @vcelier again in real life, I heard he was there too.. and that I really miss to read all the stories and funny faces he was use to do.

And I would have love to meet face to face @lemouth. Thanks for people helped me to catch him...

I have missed people like @connecteconomy, @surfermarly, @lukestokes, @wackou, @karenchen, @teamsteem, @sorin.cristescu, @samstonehill, @pnc, @hillarski and his wife, but I am lucky enough to be in touch outside of the chain if needed.

But also I miss @adetorrent, @abh12345,, @transisto, @anomadsoul, @nanzo-scoop, @yoshiko, @bubke, @mammasitta, @gringalicious...

And all the Team Malaysia with @bitrocker2020 and his wonderful team.

And what about the French people ? Is there still people here ? @evildido et @mr-tk devenu des french super stars of the cryptosphère et les autres ? @bambukah, @sebbbl, @kalypso56, @iptrucs, @happydaddyfr, @soushi888, @ekitcho, @cash22, ...

I loved Steem Hive. For a while. And forever. It has always be in my heart.

Despite of the haters, I am grateful for what Steem has bring into my life.

Even for the haters in fact. They teached me to be stronger. But also that my I am able to be successful when I don't even see it myself.

I loved to organize meetups, empower people to join Steem Hive, to share my knowledge with all my heart. To organize conferences. To interview people, to look after new gem on the chain and be the first to discover and present it, to blog, to produce video, to produce podcast, but also to travel and meet people from the community... Because yes, Steem Hive made me travel a lot. I lived for Steem Hive for months hoping it would be a life changer for me so I could Help to change people's life too.

The things is that I am someone from the field. Not from the internet. I love people and I need to see, meet, talk, hugs them. I am a social animal. Connecting people. Level up them by level up me. But Without the body language, and all that goes with it, communication problems can be worse on the internet. So, for me, Real life is easier than virtual one. Haters gonna hate on the internet. But as soon they meet you, they feel you, it generally disapear. Because we are all human with our forces and weakness.

Meeting you all at Hivefest7 made me realize that I miss you all.

So... If there is still a place for me on the chain, I may join you again.

And if not on the chain, may we see each others next year, I may buy a ticket for the fest this time and hire a baby-sitter !

While no one can go back and start over, everyone can start from now and create a new ending. - Maria Robinson

With love,



Well.. happy to see you and your family. And also read a post from you after a long time.


Do whatever you want, maybe ‘just’ organize a meet-up and join Hivefests…

But I am thrilled I was able to hug you and today you decided to write this post! Welcome :D

Speaking of old connections, how you're doing? :-) I am not directly active on Hive anymore, decided to become a SL whale instead :-) I am writing because i am actually in Rotterdam for another 10 days, i don't remember where we met in the Netherlands but when you're close, let's grab a coffee somewhere!

C’était sympa de te revoir avec tes enfants et Olivier. Bon retour dans la communauté Hive et bonne chance pour tes projets. À Très bientôt et j’espère te revoir à la prochaine conférence Hivefest en tant que participante.

You are back!!! Awesome, that you posted on hive now. Hope to see you one day again. It was so nice when we met at eye Film museum and immediately recognized each other with an instant hug it felt like Krakow very fast. 😎😊

Wishing you all the best with whatever you decide to do!

We are still going strong down here in the Pyrenees. Just bought a piano in fact and loving life more than ever :)

If you ever feel like a holiday our doors are always open 🙏

Welcome back, Roxane ! Hope to have the opportunity to see you and your beautiful family again soon !

Hey @sorin.cristescu I still remember your cool fork project and love to know the actual status

It was delivered successfully and ran for more than a year for experimentation purposes. It convinced another stakeholder to take over on its own terms (no blockchain anymore). Ran out of operating budget and was mothballed.

And I would have love to meet face to face @lemouth. Thanks for people helped me to catch him...

I am quantum. You need to make my wave function collapsing... ;)

I would have really liked to meet you, but this was too last minute (my agenda is a crazy one, believe me, and this includes Sundays). Maybe at another occasion, in Paris, Brussels or anywhere.

Yeah, as I said - re-start and give a f#ck on the haters.

A !BEER from me

BEERHey @roxane, here is a little bit of from @detlev for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

Ohhh, you were there! I'm so sad I've missed it this year. But next year...I WILL be there! Moved to Mexico so it just wasn't on the books. Great to have you on Hive missy.

Heeyyyy, lovely to see you here! I'm also not spending a lot of time here, but I'm checking in regularly. You mentioned pretty much everyone of the "old crew" :) Would be so cool to all meet up again! Maybe next year <3 or maybe somewhere on our travels! Greetings from Tirana xx

There is always a spot on the chain for people good intentions right?

It was good seeing you so briefly while walking to the boats,.you looked better than ever girl!

omg, everyone seems to hang out here on this post :-) Sending much love!

Dude, we talked about that we missed you, like mucho!

Something with your eyes? Ho

Eh bien ! Ca fait des années que vous aviez disparu de la circulation !
Bon retour

Hehe, so funny, i never watch my notifications, had like hundred unreads and then you pop up there on the top and there is this post, life is beautiful, sending much love to you and your beloveds

Glad to see u back @roxane

Dear, @roxane

found hereMay we ask you to review and support our @cryptobrewmaster GameFi proposal on DHF? It can be

If you havent tried playing CryptoBrewMasteravailable here on the YouTube with a pitchdeck of what we building in general you can give it a shot. Our @hivefest presentation

Vote with,, Hivesigner

Thank you!

@roxane bon retour parmi nous et que tes enfants poussent bien. 🥳