Living Vicariously Through My Hive Feed ('Fest Memories)

in #hivefest6 days ago (edited)

I’m sitting here on my laptop this morning thoroughly enjoying all of the HiveFest posts coming across my feed. As I read these posts and see the pictures I can’t help but reminisce about my own experiences with ‘Fests 1 and 2 in Amsterdam (‘16) and Portugal (‘17).


The funny thing about life is when you’re on a roll, in the midst of a period of life where things are going amazingly well, it’s easy to think it'll last forever. I think this flaw in human nature makes us enjoy those good times a little less. Undoubtedly, those years of 2016 and 2017 were the best two years of my life to date. So many things that occurred in those two years pushed me completely out of my comfort zone into realms I could only dream of. I’m not sad that they’ve passed as much as I am just very grateful that I got to experience them in the first place. I feel blessed really, and I always will.


There is nothing on Earth quite like the convergence of ideas, values, and beliefs that is HiveFest. The camaraderie experienced in those handful of days is strong enough to build bonds of friendship for life. This is no exaggeration. Events like this change us in surprising ways. This was certainly true in my case.


For those of you who are attending your very first HiveFest, as amazing as the food, the destination, and the events are, it’s going to be the people you remember most.


Savor each and every moment making memories with the people you meet in Split over the next few days.


Don't worry about sleep, or how you look, or the weather, just be free and experience all that HiveFest has to offer. Life moves at such a fast and unpredictable pace and we never know how things are going to change. So breathe, have the time of your lives, and make memories vivid enough to carry with you for the rest of your days.

~Eric Vance Walton~

Be well and make the most of this day. Thank you for reading!

(Photos are original.)

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The pictures of you and your wife are a memory on their own but when you combine those with other attendees it makes a whole other category of memories. I've not yet had the privilege to attend, but maybe one day! Do you plant to go again at some point?

I'm very grateful to have made all these great memories. These two years really were a turning point for me. I hope you get to experience HiveFest at some point. I've wanted to go every year but something has always come up to prevent me from going. Hopefully next year!

We embrace the change in continuity and that is exactly how the world wants us to be. Although I am not that active because of my responsibility in my family, I do read the blogs in Hive a few times in the week. Seriously a significant span has passed, in fact, we have lived those significant times materializing alongside. Perhaps, that's what life is. Unknowingly we weave those moments in continuity. Good to see you saving those memories, photographs, expereinces to share with us. Cheers.

How come you didn't get to this one?

My wife is going through some health challenges at the moment that is restricting our travel for a while.

I'm really sorry to hear that. I hope it's not too serious. X

I think you have been involved in the crypto world for quite a long time. Being able to take part in the first and second hivefest was an extraordinary experience. Have a nice day, Eric.

I really can understand, Eric! I remember how exciting was the Fest in Lisbon for me and my hubby, I remember there were a lot of people and, for sure, we crossed paths there. ^_^
In this pic I was with the wonderful @mammasitta :


I think I remember meeting you and your husband! I talked to @mammasitta quite a bit at the closing dinner and we were friends before meeting in Lisbon. Did you attend SF1 in Amsterdam also?

How great that you have lived these experiences, dear friend @ericvancewalton, without a doubt these events create long-lasting bonds of friendship.

How exciting to see your photographs, I recognize some faces of people that I have interacted with at some point. Beautiful memories.

Have a beautiful afternoon.

Those were really amazing times. I miss some of those people who used to be on Steemit and think about them often. It's very strange to visit the old platform, it's just a shadow of its former self. Enjoy your day my friend!

I actually haven't been seeing too many posts yet, but I think a lot of the people I follow are not there. Either that or they are just too busy to post about it. I'm sure they will start flowing in over time.

There are so many new users on the platform that I'm not connected with I've had to click the #hivefest tab to read most of the posts. It looks gorgeous there in Split!

Ah yeah, I always forget about searching by specific tags. I need to wait until it is all over so I don't get too jealous about not being able to go!

Lol, I'm definitely a little envious myself.

Indeed, loads of HiveFest posts are flooding my feed too, and that's beautiful. I've made it to a Hive meetup so far; let's see when & where the next Fest will be. It's a phenomenal opportunity to finally meet some of the wonderful souls one has been interacting with in person.

It really is amazing to see folks getting together face-to-face. I really hope the Fest is in Europe again next year. I plan on traveling to The Netherlands in July for the 4Daagse march so it'd be very tempting to stay through until early September for HiveFest.

Wow! This is the first time I read about the 4Daasge march in Nijmegen which is close to the German border. First I thought you'd party at the Koningsdag but that's in April. I've been there during uni and it's crazy. Great fun.

If HiveFest is celebrated in Europe next year, I'll do whatever it takes to attend. Would love to catch up with you F2F ❤️

We found out about 4Daasge through the YouTuber's Kara and Nate.

I immediately knew I wanted to try it. They're not allowing people to sign up for 2025 yet but I hope I can get registered and make it happen. Now the Koningsdag also looks like it's worth making a trip for! That looks like a whole lot of fun.

I hope we can make it next year! It'd be great to meet you as well!

Those must be treasured memories Eric! It would be a dream come true to meet Hive friends in person!

They really are treasured memories, it nearly feels like a lifetime ago now! I hope to get to meet you someday!

I see your photos and recognize some faces of people who are no longer on the platform! I don't give up hope of participating in not one but several #HiveFests. It must be a mind-blowing experience to see “in person” people we have met only virtually. I don't want to name names, but I have my list of people I would like to meet and without a doubt you are at the top of the list, my friend.
In a previous post, I don't remember which one, I was just going to ask you about that friend of yours in this picture. I don't remember his name, but I think he once took a trip with you. Did he also leave Hive?

Anyway, to remember is to live and hopefully this HiveFest will be a success and more meetings will come. Long live HIVE. Best regards

Looking at those photos are always a double-edged sword for me because so many of those people are no longer on the platform. Some people just got burned out and others decided to stay with Steemit after the hard fork. Being there in person is truly euphoric, it's the closest thing I can imagine to being at Woodstock in the 1960's. It would be wonderful to meet you too, Nancy! We would have so much to discuss. To my immediate left is Doug Karr, he's a film producer I worked with on the Netflix series we were creating and beside him was Andrew Levine who was on our team as well. Both of them have left Hive. I still talk to Doug occasionally, he usually flies into town a few times a year because he has relatives here in Minneapolis. I wish you a wonderful Thursday!

It is Doug Karr. I remember I started following and reading it because of you. Too bad so many talented people are gone. Anyway, a nice day to you too. Hugs.

P.S. You should dust off more of these photos!

Yep, he's still making movies. I know! We did have some amazing talent back then but so many of those folks left when the value of the coins diminished and it wasn't as lucrative. Hugs to you as well! Good idea, I think I might create a couple photo montages for YouTube with 'Fest memories.

The beginning of everything!
I loved the cobblestone streets of Lisbon, its tiles. Was there a Fado concert? Which of Lisbon and Amsterdam did you like the most?

Yes, exciting times! We didn't hear any Fado when we were there. I don't think they had any music at any of the official events and we didn't really go out to any of the bars at night. My favorite part of Lisbon had to be just walking the streets at night. We found a great little pizza place and walked a few miles from the hotel through lots of old neighborhoods. The city really came alive at night. Sintra, Portugal was probably my favorite part of that trip. It's a smaller town about an hour outside of Lisbon. I'd like to go back and stay in Sintra. It would be difficult to choose a favorite part about Amsterdam, there's just so much there to do and to see. You could go back 100 times and not experience it all.

Wonderful memories you have there Eric! Looking back you would be very proud you made them in the first place.

Indeed! I'm very grateful for those years!

I think that HIVE Fest is a great organization and change to meet great people.

Love all those smiles! I bet you've created some memories that will last forever!

We certainly did!

Sweet time and beautiful experience of Hive-fest. This increases the friendship. Let's all grow together

Quite an interesting article. I really miss seeing your pictures there.Hopefully we can meet someday.

That would be great!