I get that position, but it just feels like it's a bit more nuanced to me - although I'm not sure of a fair way of deciding the cut off line and it obviously has to fall somewhere.
I have no idea how many accounts may fall in to this category - but if an account was voting for say 3 sun/puppet accounts, but also voting for 27 of the previous witnesses; that doesn't really "feel" like an attack.
I'm guessing however that most people took one side or the other - I have no data to back that up though.
Is my hypothetical example likely to be affecting so few users its not worth the effort?@themarkymark I know you're curious about things, and back that up with quantifying data - have you done any sort of analysis of patterns of voting? Are there many cases where voting was ambiguous in terms of a split between the two positions? Or did most votes fall on one side or the other?
I have not no, I'm familiar with some of the cases but not all.
ok no worries - thanks for taking the time to answer