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RE: Community Discussion and Updates: Hive Airdrop Exclusion List and Code Corrections, Core Developer Meetings

in #hiveblockchain5 years ago

Let's talk hypothetical, and here is what scares me. Say for example I make a proposal to remove your Hive stake and send it to @null (I don't want to), and it gets approved with overwhelming support.

The proposal system has no ability to remove someone's stake. It's a funding mechanism and has been used a few times to get stakeholders consensus thoughts. But it has no ability to "do" anything.

In theory wouldn't it be a lovely decentralized decision? We could have a hardfork to destory it.

I personally do not think there is anything decentralized about removing someone's legitimate stake they have purchased.. in fact it goes against everything this space stands for.

To clarify the difference here - The HIVE airdrop exclusion is deciding how a completely new asset would be allocated, and not removing what someone already owns. The Hf 22.2 was addressing ninja mined stake that was intended as a dev fund. Both of these situations are very, very different than what you are describing. Just to clarify that.

As far as your hypothetical thoughts- a proposal cannot result in a hardfork. So even if you made such a proposal, you would also have to get 17/21 witnesses to run this new code removing someone's stake as well as get exchanges listing HIVE to run it as well.. this isn't something someone can just make a proposal for.

I'm not sure what you mean by Pandora's box has been opened or what healing the above would provide. Perhaps I'm missing something.


The proposal system has no ability to remove someone's stake.

Yes, but it is a method to express the desire of the masses. If one gets 51% of the witness votes (can choose top 30), hardfork is possible.

Conveniently the code to move around stakes already exists and has been tested. I'm sire it can be tweaked and executed again with less effort.

I personally do not think there is anything decentralized about removing someone's legitimate stake they have purchased

There are another way to earn stake. airdropped Hives and Rewarded, etc. I assume you include these.

I would argue there was nothing decentralized about removing ninja mined stake either. The code doesn't care how it ended up in the wallet. So this point of whether or not it is decentralized is irrelevant to the technical requirements.

Pandora's box was opened by removing stake from wallets. Okay technically they were not airdropped, but from a mathematical standpoint this is a chicken or egg first argument, glass half full or half empty.

The code was probably a conditional statement.

By healing, I mean making things right. We don't need more enemies. I think fixing the list for people who did meet qualifications is a good first. Then we have the decentralized vote. And after individual proposals. This will make some of the angry people forgive, but it won't heal everything. I'm sure as a community we can figure out how to become very strong again.
