Att Historians studying the start of Australia's civil war.

in #hiveaustralia4 years ago (edited)

Around 5:25pm on Saturday August 21st, in Melbourne; Acting Sergeant Kristian Schouten fired rubber bullets at unarmed members of the public, under orders from Special Operations Group Superintendent Jamie Templeton.




Hi Matt, I'm sure you are connected to many people fighting this tyranny, but Rebel News is doing great job covering protests and reporting and helping people fight the fines.

See eg

Feel free to send a few SPS their way :-).

I am so ashamed of the behaviour of the Australian government and police.
Keep up the fight for freedom and justice.

At this point, it almost seems inescapable that there'll be people killed on both sides. Wars are so easy to start, and so terribly difficult to end.

I have raised this issue with a contact I have at the highest level of government in Australia.
I initially got excuses (beanbag shots not rubber bullets) and its Victoria not Australia, but I think he got the message.

Also sent him this story about NSW holding protesters in solitary confinement for 3 weeks and denying proper access to legal representation and the Courts.

Geez, lovely to see cops in America aren't the only power-mad clowns. (Oh, but we have more than a few in Japan too)

Sorry, forgive my sarcasm. It's about the only way to respond to stuff like this to keep from going mad. I hope things don't get much worse down there. Keep safe, Matt.

Seeing a lot of stories coming out of Australia right now and none of it looks good.

I hope it doesn't spiral too far out of control before the government realize the madness of what they are trying to achieve.

Looking like truckers are planning to blockade roads between states, from 9am on the 31st. Also a heap of government buildings.
If we can't move, nobody can.

No need to burn books when nobody reads them.

How does giving up ya'lls guns look now?

I see your point, but very few of us actually had guns before the Port Arthur massacre and resulting government response

I guess ya'll don't love freedom as much as you should?

Maybe it is just because I grew up in the 'indian country' of the 'wild west', but guns are how the freedom we still have has been kept.
The control freaks know we ain't going for it.
Our 'founding fathers' knew an armed population is difficult to enslave with violence, the control freaks had to use miseducation instead.
No need to burn books when nobody reads them.
Ya'lls control freaks seem to have much of the population begging them to enslave them, far more than we do in our's.

Businesses here never turned me away for not wearing a mask.
I got some looks, but nobody spoke up, either.
Freedom has to be exercised or you lose it.

If you take it away from yourself, you are their best cop, and don't even get free donuts.

I'm seeing news reports that the population there is pushing back against the tyranny, is that true?

Seems I hit a nerve. It's just a statistical fact. People can own firearms here, and many do. Does the right to bear arms prevent government abuse and over reach in the US? I'm genuinely asking, because I'm not going to rush to a judgement based on what I've seen over the years. That's not enough information to do so

You can't legally refuse someone entry to a business for not wearing a mask here either, as far as I know

And I'm just one person who wrote a sentence. I don't represent every individual in Australia. Nor does my one sentence represent the totality of my views

I was hoping for a dialogue

I'll think twice next time

Seems I hit a nerve.

A subject dear to my heart and under unrelenting attack.
I have been pushing back against gun laws for many years.
The constitution says all gun laws are illegal, but when the mass of people just go along to get along, the god given rights we are born with go by the wayside.

Does the right to bear arms prevent government abuse and over reach in the US?

These cases tend to keep them in check.
100% that cop will never again pull somebody over because of his window tint.

You can't legally refuse someone entry to a business for not wearing a mask here either, as far as I know

So, the question becomes how many voluntarily surrender their freedom.
We have a college town that has all the blm signs and mask wearers, but it is just that one town among the 8 that make up our capitol city.

I was hoping for a dialogue
I'll think twice next time

Up to you.
I can only call them as I see them.


Australian police fire on protesters because they’ve been authorized to do so. American police fire on protesters because they enjoy doing so:

Police Cited for Shooting Protesters In the Testicles

The city of Phoenix also confirmed that a challenge coin had circulated among police officers during former president Donald Trump's visit back in 2017.
The coin depicted a man being shot in the groin with a pepper ball with the phrase “Making America Great Again One Nut at A Time,” officials said.

Don't kid yourself. There are cops in Australia that enjoy their job just for the fact that they enjoy harming others.

We need to encourage the reading of Nineteen Eighty-Four so that people can see where this is all heading.

Can't have memory holes when you have blockchains.