Unoriginal Twitter Spam - @dbuzz Sending Users AWAY From Hive TO Twitter!

in #hive4 years ago (edited)

@dbuzz seems to believe their bullshit twitter spam service is wanted and welcomed here.

I see 0 benefit to this nonsense being posted to the chain.

How do you feel about unoriginal spam automatically posted from Twitter?

Look at this shit! They're even redirecting people AWAY from Hive TO Twitter!



Platform have value by creating a network. Having a censorship free back to twitter is very valuable and would allow millions of users to monetize their shortform content.

Thats what LBRY does with great success.

Once enough people have synced, there will be an incentive to just use @dbuzz.

Also, you are a douche for destroying their reputation with your stake. Thats an abuse of power.

There is inprovements to make but thats not the way improve a project.

Having a back up to twitter helps hive how?

I tweeted about making cookies today, that should be on Hive?

If people are making things they want to back up on a blockchain, cool.. maybe let’s make an app where they can make or port that content. Not copy/paste a tweet that literally tells users to go to twitter. Seems like a really useless thing for Hive. Perhaps the project should work on improving and building a good thing before launching and ignoring all feedback 🤷‍♀️ Seems like such a weird thing to get all worked up about.

Not copy/paste a tweet that literally tells users to go to twitter.

We included that there for interoperability and the idea is that HIVE would benefit more from that relationship since Twitter has a much larger audience than HIVE.

But we took the site offline and are now considering whether we should include both HIVE to Twitter posting AND Twitter to HIVE, or if we should completely strip the latter for the former.

What do you think the pros and cons are for either or @justineh @xxxxxxxxxx?

Seems like a really useless thing for Hive. Perhaps the project should work on improving and building a good thing before launching and ignoring all feedback 🤷‍♀️

We launched an app that was well received by some, but rejected by major stakeholders so we took it offline 3 days later . . that means we listened to your feedback . .

@nathansenn went to sleep early today but I hope you can give him feedback 1-on-1 . . short comments left in our blog isn't the best way to understand your perspective and you haven't replied to some of my replies.

I am sure you are probably busy though since you have a lot on your plate and get a lot done, but please understand that I am trying to find the best way ahead, and our emphasis is creating value, that's why we do it, it's fun 😃

I’ve seen all your messages, you don’t have to reply repeatedly to every comment I make. I am one person and my opinion matters very little. I am not a fan of the copying tweets to Hive and said so. I have also said repeatedly that I like the idea of a short form content focused app and if that’s the goal - cool, I look forward to seeing it.

I’m not really sure the issue or the panicked outrage that is happening here. I responded with my opinion.. that’s it.

I have read your responses and understand you guys are working on improving, that’s great to hear. I’m not against you, I was simply giving my opinion on the “storing” tweets aspect.

Got it @justineh . . ps. I was replying to comments of yours that I believed were incorrect, that way other people wouldn't get confused . . You also made false statements about our project, even after I corrected you, so I corrected you again.

We will schedule our re-launch without the Twitter-2-Hive part 👍


My Opinion:

Fuck Twitter & Forget Twitter

I suggest, if you want to build, build a microblogging platform or more unique platform for Hive itself.

There are some platforms already for this. I, unfortunately, am on Twitter, but that's only because I can't seemingly find other methods in which to consume the news I care about, (though that could change with the advent of the IndieWeb), and some people only know me up there. There is a concept in the IndieWeb called POSSE (post on own site, syndicate elsewhere), which means that you begin on your own site, so, bringing people to your own domain is not spam.


Dbuzz can be used even just on hive without twitter.
To share your tweets is just a option.

Yes, but do you want Hive walls to be flooded with Twitter junk. I don't. Absolutely not.

Nope. Defenetly not. As far as i know all the posts are going to a community.
But maybe they can even make that the micro blogs and tweets will be just in the dapp visible.
I dont know yet. They will make a changes now because they want the best for the hive community.

I think this is the way how it should works unlike what happened that some people straight attack them.
The best way is to talk and suggest how it can work than the devs will make a solution.

TBH, I don't care about Twitter. I care about its users of course, but I would love to see it becoming obsolete.

@xxxxxxxxxx We're going to suspend the D.BUZZ site for now. We are reviewing the feedback from the community and see many of their concerns. We will review the feedback and make changes to the platform and service to be more in line with the community's wishes. I will be posting later today with more details. I had some misconceptions about communities on hive with the way they had been explain to me before, but do see the issue now. We will leave the site offline until we have decided whats the best move forward.

Posting things from twitter to hive does nothing beneficial for hive whatsoever. We had this before, it was called “sharetosteem” and it was a spammy shit show.

Short form content app for Hive would be cool, this ain’t it.

How so? Posting to HIVE requires RCs, therefore requires holding some HIVE.

You can spam tweets all day with delegated RCs from account creation. This is not really a rebuttal to what I said in the slightest.

This app doesn’t require people to use hive, or add value. It copies their tweets to Hive and then directs people to twitter. It’s literally telling users to go elsewhere.. and from an seo standpoint, the content originated on twitter and its directing to that.. so it doesn’t help in that regard either.

It doesn’t bring in users, doesn’t help seo, doesn’t add engagement here.. so I guess the only benefit is it adds activity on a numbers level.. which so does a spam bot.. so I guess in that regard, spam does have a benefit and this is the same. I guess I don’t really think they a good app.

Perhaps they could focus on building an actual short form content, like they pretended this was, that would be fun and beneficial. I don’t actually think they know how to do that though, which is ok, but perhaps they should just stop saying it then.

I agree that it doesn't help with retaining users, but using HIVE is already a good step.

And for the RCs, well, delegated RCs are still delegated by someone who holds HIVE. They can't come from thin air.

Businesses/Dapps using HIVE should think only of their business and use HIVE as an extra tool. If you try to force the use of HIVE, then you are losing customers, and the blockchain won't be successful if it isn't inherently useful.

So let dapps do whatever they do, and hopefully there will be enough value for new users to join.

This app can be beneficial for Hive and Twitter users. They can make it work this way: TT to Hive and Hive to TT

PeakD allows for sharing a post to a persons twitter, facebook, or reddit blog. If the people at twitter want twit's to be tweeted to Hive they should provide that tool for their users, hive does not need to provide the tool to Twitter.

Yes, we are interested in both @mmmmkkkk311 and are looking for a way to do the former without making use of Twitter's API.

One good idea that @cryptoctopus came up with is that we can allow Twitter logins to our site, which would then lead to an account creation service for HIVE to onboard Twitter users who aren't on the blockchain yet!

that would be perfect, I suspect.

How is automatically posting tweets to Hive that direct people to twitter good for Hive?

From an SEO standpoint it actually helps Twitter. From a content standpoint, it helps twitter.

Please explain to me how this helps Hive.

Right. It will help same way as Steempress plugins helps, the only difference is that dbuzz has declined payouts for posts published from Twitter.
It will help when you post from dbuzz and publish your post automatically to Twitter. I don't have to tell you how important Twitter was in last weeks for Hive community

But they don’t offer that feature, they only offer the ability to post to twitter and it be copied to hive (where it directs you to twitter). So we can talk ideas, many have, but this is about the current features and how they do nothing beneficial for Hive in the slightest.

That feature was actually in the works @justineh after @mmmmkkkk311 mentioned that it wouldn't require the use of Twitter's API.

We have actually been very open to feedback and criticism, but after realizing that Community posts show up in people's feed, even if they are not subscribed, we took the site offline today.

So we can talk ideas

That's what I see when reading their comments, so maybe X should stop for a while downvoting and give them a chance to implement some new features

I would start from:

  • autopsting to TT
  • title setting in this format: [This is post title] This is post body
  • set post beneficiary @steem.dao (50% for posts published from TT, 25% for posts from

They were given an opportunity, they said they would stop, then told me they aren't.

Now, they are where they are.

I thought we were talking about the app, not downvotes. You stated the app is very beneficial, I asked how. So we have determined in its current state it’s not beneficial in the slightest, but you feel it’s shouldn’t be downvoted.

Well, downvotes literally were never discussed here but will agree that I don’t see the need to bury them but also think making accounts to spam the chain is not beneficial and those actions have led to downvotes in the past, so not really surprised they are now.

That's actually incorrect @justineh.

A lot of people loved @share2steem, me included . . it closed when @algo.coder exited due to the bear market, Powered Down the Steem it earned and sold it on the market.

We had this before, it was called “sharetosteem” and it was a spammy shit show.

What about Bitchute and LBRY?

Both are successful and they use the same model as us.

Nothing I said is incorrect and the fact that you apparently loved sharetosteem actually makes sense and why you are refusing to take feedback. So you don’t actually have an original idea, don’t know how to carry out the ideas of others and are refusing to listen to what people want. Got it... thanks for clarifying that.

Also that’s not how bitchute and lbry work in the slightest. They let actual content creators port their content and reward based on views.

Your app copy’s a tweet to hive and then links to twitter. How is that the same in the slightest?


I agree with that and told them such.

I am actually thankful for you discussing this with me since I liked some of what you shared.

The difference is that I think we can make HIVE trend on Crypto Twitter via our Dapp and initiative, you either don't, or you don't see it as a valuable prospect.

Either way, respect @xxxxxxxxxx no harm no foul.


No harm for me. There will be harm to your project. I assure you of that.

Either way, we just work on building, and trying to add value despite your plans to wreck our project.

How will you make hive trend on crypto twitter with your app? It literally has nothing to do with that. It copies tweets, made on twitter, to Hive and then directs people to twitter.

You don’t need an app to advertise Hive on twitter.. it’s called a tag #Hive.

You don’t need an app to advertise Hive on twitter.. it’s called a tag #Hive.

In order for people to repost their Tweets to D.Buzz they were required to include the hashtag #Hive in their Tweet, or #dbuzz or $Hive.

The idea is that people on Twitter would backup their Tweets to the HIVE blockchain in exchange for using the hashtag #hive, please read our announcement post if you haven't already.

Official Launch: D.Buzz is Alive on the Hive Blockchain

We took the site offline due to lack of support from major stakeholders of the community. @nathansenn will contact you today via Discord once you come online.

Every time you post your opinion, people start fighting you, ain't it interesting?

I'm with you, I would love to 'hiVVe'(??) a lot and cross-post that to Twitter if it fits over there too. The other way around is somewhat unfitting most of the time.

It’s why I don’t visually take part in the community anymore: rather just work behind the scenes to help all I can while the shit posters bash me for everything. 🙂

Thats why you gotta use raven.

Plus our stuff doesn't show up on your blog thanks to our patented technology(haha, kidding, we just use custom_json instead of the regular post features).

Our site is pretty bad as of now(it was made 9 hours to be in time for the hackathon since I was told I should enter last minute and was offered to have a UI built for free), but progress is being made especially on the backend and frontend will improve soon. Already hired a dev for it.

Plus our stuff doesn't show up on your blog

Our Buzz's don't show up on people's blogs, it shows up in their Posts and this is there very reason why the Communites feature of HIVE was created.

Our site is pretty bad as of now(it was made 9 hours to be in time for the hackathon since I was told I should enter last minute and was offered to have a UI built for free

I look forward to see you develop it further.

The is a such thing as friendly competition 😊

How about D.Buzz and raven join forces and just use the same custom_json, and compete in that space with features?

I understand Bernie's content on spam, and I understand a need for a microblogging solution. The only thing I am wondering is how on earth would you be able to bring the functionality to the other Steem frontends as notifications, so that people can always know when their buzzes or tweet or whatever have been interacted with. That'd be an impressive feature.

Hey that looks promising. I notice we can reply. But where do we view the replies?

If you click the post(wired glitch happens sometimes where you have to click right above the text) it'll open the post up and you can see the replies.

Awesome! You just need to change the cursor type on hover to pointer.

This is such a great idea. How come no one has thought of doing this via custom_json before? I'm shitty that I didn't think of it. :)

Most people probably had, just never acted on it. I've had the idea for quite a long time. It was seeing this post: that got me to act on it. If you want a bit more info on Raven, you can check out what I wrote about it on my entry to the hackathon:

This is fucking huge man! Well done. What you should do asap is create a mobile app, and bam you've got a blockchain Twitter!

Definitely want to get a GOOD mobile app out there for this. Probably going to have to use emails/passwords to log in, and have users give permission to hivesigner on the website version to get around apple's dislike of blockchain stuff though.

It's super buggy on mobile, but sounds like a better approach

Didn't we have that Zapp garbage on Steem back in the day? It was a firehose of spam with some people posting up to 50 one-liners a day.


I don't think it was beneficial at all.

I liked it, but the way it was build was and at that very time (whale-hunting season) it was a mess.

Yeah that's the one haha.

I thought it was going to be a Twitter-like app for HIVE. I didn't think it would just copy and paste people's Tweets here.

I hope they develop it much further and actually build something unique for HIVE. But right now...Urgh.

@jongolson Our app give interoperability across platforms allowing users to interact and have conversations outside the twitter ecosystem where there conversations are frequently censored, while still allowing them to use the platforms they are most familiar with. We also are setting it so all auto tweets decline rewards to avoid reward pool abuse.

Your app is nothing but a spam generator and will be tested as such.

Yo Bernie, if Biden falls apart completely, will you run for HIVE President then?

I know you guys are literally, days old. I have no doubt that you'll improve and keep working on it.

I just thought it was something it wasn't, that's all.

And I get it, a couple of thousand active accounts on HIVE is not the reach millions on Twitter have...But I just thought we would see something specific for HIVE. A 'Twitter' for Hive. Not really a ping of Twitter content if that makes sense...

@jongolson Yes it is also that you can post and interact on the dapp the same as you would on other platforms. You can post directly to chain and no need to use twitter if you don't want.

Screen Shot 2020-05-21 at 2.31.53 PM.png

Screen Shot 2020-05-21 at 2.31.36 PM.png

They do offer that, but it looks like most are auto posting from Twitter at this point, NOT from Hive TO Twitter.

There's nothing unique here at all. This was tried before and failed because the community rejected their spam.

They do offer that, but it looks like most are auto posting from Twitter at this point

I would say, give it time @xxxxxxxxxx . . it's just the beginning.

NOT from Hive TO Twitter.

We are considering this but suspect that Twitter would shutdown any project that does that.

Having said that, being able to do both would be superior, as long is it doesn't get the project shut down by Twitter.

You don't need to use Twitter api to share your post on Twitter. How share buttons work?

@mmmmkkkk311 This is true also and will be adding twitter share buttons, we have been discussing how to do it with out using their api.

Auto posting without api would be the best option

Thank you @mmmmkkkk311 we will work on getting it done.

I didn't know one could auto-post from Twitter. AFAIK you need a certain tag (#Hive) on your tweets to aggregate to Hive.

Excatly! And that is why I joined up, but now I just logged out coz it is not that!

And that is why I joined up, but now I just logged out coz it is not that

It is not what?

A twitter like app (easy for a non-tech guy to use). But I have faith you guys will work on it and look forwards to logon later.

You can post directly to the community without using Twitter by just using the site. You don't have to use Twitter at all. It's just an option. People need to verify their d.Buzz account before they can post from Twitter.

I didn't think it would just copy and paste people's Tweets here.

It's not just a copy and paste from Twitter.

We use the same model that Bitchute and LBRY use, both worked!

I hope they develop it much further and actually build something unique for HIVE.

Well we are unique, we're the only Dapp on HIVE that does this.

I hope we will create significant value for the HIVE blockchain though, and we don't mind receiving criticism while trying to do that.

Yeah I was thinking more along the lines of a Twitter-ish app, specifically for HIVE. I understand now what you guys are doing, no worries. And like I mentioned above, you guys will continue to make strides I'm sure and improve from the feedback.

Just thought it was something it wasn't. I'm a big Twitter fan boy that's why lol

Just thought it was something it wasn't.

Can you share what it's missing?

You might be wanting things that are set to be rolled out in the future, and if not, we might be able to roll out your ideas.

I thought it was going to be...'Twitter' for Hive.

Not pinging Twitter, or sharing what I tweeted here, vice versa...A completely separate app based on HIVE, that acted like Twitter / micro blogging, etc.

You don't need to use Twitter at all and can just use https://d.Buzz which is a Twitter for Hive.

You are not unique. You're another bullshit twitter wannabe who can't even come up with an original idea to spam from another site.

Look at that, you're really getting it on here.

If that would have been made as a Comment then I would be ok, but posting as a post and then directing the users to twitter is not cool.

Just say no to spammy daps.

  1. Is the entire business model of Twitter Inc. for spam?

  2. Bitchute and LBRY both use our model - are they spam?

Stop saying this lol it’s not true in the slightest. Your app is nothing like twitter, lbry, or bitchute.

Perhaps just focus on building what you pretend it is before launching next time, just a thought

Okay @justineh.

We are open to advice and constructive criticism, and our team wants to build on #hive.

  1. @nathansenn already invested a decent amount in the project, including our premium domain D.Buzz, and our team plans to invest more.

  2. @xxxxxxxxxx said that there were MANY large stakeholders who disagreed with our project as it was, and told me that they would comment but for the most part, they never did . . that is one of the reasons we walked back our plan to follow @xxxxxxxxxx recommendations.. and I also hadn't consulted with my team at the time yet, so my decision to follow his advice via PM was premature, saying it was our final decision was a mistake on my part.

  3. If there was a consensus of major stakeholders, it wasn't on chain, and we were looking for consensus but I also understand that the majority of you were busy with the 23 million stolen #steem issue.

  4. My request is that you help us gather consensus, @xxxxxxxxxx offered some nice ideas but it wasn't clear that it was the consensus, and we had conflicting information based on the comments we received, the users who used our Dapp, and the advice we received in the #HiveKeepers Discord.

  5. The general consensus was that our Dapp was a hot issue but there were multiple ideas thrown around to help solve it. Some people spoke clearly to us in a way that was respectful and easy to understand, others didn't.

No harm no foul though, we are searching for consensus, please help us find it so we can build on #HIVE.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this is a poor use of the chain.

Hi @circa,

What about D.Buzz makes you think it's a poor use of the chain?

~ @chrisrice

And what would you do, if you were us, to make it a good use of the chain?

This will turn Hive in to spam heaven, which every other chain is trying to fight themselves.

This will only hurt the platform and could even drive me away...

This will turn Hive in to spam heaven, which every other chain is trying to fight themselves.

Do you think the content posted on Twitter is spam?

This will only hurt the platform and could even drive me away...

Do you know that Bitchute and LBRY owe their success to this same model?


Funny, I have accounts on both and never even log in to them, soooo.

Yes, twitter is just one big spam generator.

I don't like it. But my understanding is it is custom json postings so will not show up in my feed here on peakd
so not sure it will impact my daily posting/reading.
But i really don't like it

I dunno, but when I'm scrolling through peakd or looking through posts, I see trash like this:


How is THIS good for Hive?

It was posted in the DBUZZ community so not sure why it would be in your feed unless your subscribed?

He is probably subscribed to the one posting it.

and you are the "blockchain engineer"??????????
it shows on the created feed and it shows feeds of the tags used,
you are really clueless or intellectually dishonest, or both.
You were told to implement it in comments but refused,
Have it Your Way!!!

Its not. I concede your point.

What no, posting using custom_json is on Raven.

Oh, another one... is it better?

It's different. No cluttering up your feed because of custom_json. Our site is trash though and I'll be the first one to admit it.

No harm, no foul @rishi55 and we don't mind your existence.

I think we can both offer people two options, and we will upload a video today with a shout out for you.

Good work @rishi556 🙂

Definitely, a healthy competition is what drives the best development. And hey, in the end we are just both trying to make hive a better place for people.

Yes @rishi556 thank you.

Consider me a fan of your work @rishi556 both of our teams are buidling 🙂

Logged in, I am just an everyday user, if you want someone to run around and try to break it, or see if it is broken.

Thats great, definitely need testers. If you see anything not work, do let me know(other than UI glitches, thats expected as of now).

I'll look it over tomorrow some.

oh. I had them confused.

Driving people away from Hive to read tweets is not only a bad move, it's plain stupid.

I try not to criticize people for using the blockchain in ways that I disagree with because I usually end up getting stressed out and losing focus on all the good things I could be doing on it....but yes, this needs to be said, it's an utter spamfest and should not be encouraged by anyone

I’m guilty of using it. CustomJSON may be better suited for the data, so it doesn’t show in feeds. I like what they’ve tried to do and acknowledge they are still polishing it and refining it.

In case anyone is trying to figure out how to turn it off. Go to PeakD -> Keys & Permissions -> authorities -> revoke dbuzz.

Me too. I didn't realize people would be so up in arms about it. I think we need a microblogging solution for Hive though. Twitter is all too centralized and all. Maybe something that would relay our shorties to Twitter instead.

@gamer00 We are looking at that also but it will heavily depend on twitters approval for the api post to twitter and the second someone post anything deemed to violate their community guidelines twitter could revoke the api key. We don't want to be having to kiss twitters ass to continue to operate. We want to give users freedom from twitter censorship and a place for their conversations to live on.

You can share post from PeakD to Facebook, twitter, and reddit. Look at the three dots ... click them then click Share.

I’m guilty of using it. CustomJSON may be better suited for the data, so it doesn’t show in feeds.

Buzz's made on D.Buzz doesn't show up in feeds either, it shows up in our community and is displayed in the Posts section on people's accounts.

We are actually using the Communities feature for what it was intended for, separating Community posts from the blog.

In case anyone is trying to figure out how to turn it off. Go to PeakD -> Keys & Permissions -> authorities -> revoke dbuzz.

Thank you for sharing this @hivetrending . . it helps 😊

You are clueless, or lying and playing the fool, the posts DO SHOW in the created feed and in the feeds of the tags used.

You are clueless, or lying and playing the fool, the posts DO SHOW in the created feed and in the feeds of the tags used.

I would use the word ignorant but we realized that now . . minus the harsh words and combative speech, thank you for all your help @jaguar.force.

I see 0 benefit to this nonsense being posted to the chain.

They will have to buy HIVE and power up, without RC you can't post to chain

It’s possible to get free delegations with services like

But it gives hive more utility.

Thank you @mmmmkkkk311 . . I'm glad you see the benefit of our Dapp and I am also open to constructive criticism 🙂

Keep building, we already have a community for short content nobody complains about it, even when payouts are not declined

Keep building

Thank you!

It might be a bit spammy currently since its posting old tweets. But if thats fixed, it can be useful.

I think people should give the project a bit more time for developmemt before just dismissing it right away.

It might be a bit spammy currently since its posting old tweets. But if thats fixed, it can be useful.

I believe that was fixed on the 2nd day after our official launch.

I think people should give the project a bit more time for developmemt before just dismissing it right away.

Some of the concerns raised by stakeholders, users and @xxxxxxxxxx are valid, it just took us time to absorb it all . . we took the site offline, we're re-grouping and will give an update today on the @dbuzz account.

Yes that kind of "dapp" is not good, will only spam the chain @xxxxxxxxxx
What we need are real dapps like particularly a twitter-like dapp for PC, Android, and iOS version.

@cryptopie We will release a iOS and Android app over the next few months

I don't like the link back to Twitter, however LBRY does this exact thing, when you set up your LBRY account to link to your YouTube account, it automatically copies all your videos to LBRY that you upload to YouTube. It's an easy way to get people onboarded. However, videos are a different thing, more time consuming.

@stellabelle From past feed back people like having the link so they could easily find the original tweet. Many of the hive users are also on twitter and this is a great way for them to interact on both platforms we all know people will want to see the comment their tweets are getting on hive. Using the communities the way we have makes it very easy no matter what front-end they use to see and reply to their comments on hive.

LBRY does this exact thing, when you set up your LBRY account to link to your YouTube account, it automatically copies all your videos to LBRY that you upload to YouTube.

Yes, and Bitchute has the same model too.

To worsen the case they declined payout after posting through their front-end. It's whack

As mentioned in our announcement posts, the Rewards are set to Decline as we consult with members and stakeholders of the community like @hivewatchers.

OK, Wat I noticed again is that there's no space for edit button. Yesterday after using it, I discovered that I made an error all my best to correct after posting with the help of edit button prove abortive.

OK, Wat I noticed again is that there's no space for edit button.


Excellent point . . we are working as fast as we can and will get an edit button rolled out as soon as we can.

There is a lot of work to do and we are in the process of doing it.

Congratulations @xxxxxxxxxx! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s) :

You received more than 3500 upvotes. Your next target is to reach 3750 upvotes.

You can view your badges on your board and compare to others on the Ranking
If you no longer want to receive notifications, reply to this comment with the word STOP

Support the HiveBuzz project. Vote for our proposal!

Hive is the main
Why moving people away from hive
Hive that will soon be bigger than twitter

And remember, that there are different platforms that content might be coming from. Bringing content from hre to Twitter is just being compliant with the IndieWeb concept of post on own site, syndicate elsewhere. Nothing wrong with it in my opinion.

You're the king of short, engaging content on Hive. Don't be so negative about your own favorite genre.

Tweets will be hit and miss, but generally just as useful as photo posts, Ask the Hive questions or fitness reports.

You have COMPLETELY missed the point. Thanks for your nonsensical reply.

This is not how I envisioned this dapp being.

My way of doing twitter but on hive,

  • I would post all 'tweets' to comments of a post by the dapp account, A new post is made once a day. (for upvotes to help support the dapp and so the comments on one post don't get too messy)
  • any replys would be children of said comments,
  • Comments give lower rewards there for you can't complain about shortform getting huge rewards.
  • I'd make a front end that would format these comments into 'tweets' and associated replys in a readable way.
  • All replys and 'tweets' can be upvoted.
  • No one would generally see the spam unless they specifically looked at the Dapps posts containing all the comments.

At the end of the day the idea is to store the 'tweet' on hive while having a frontend to properly display them as short form content.
Character limits would apply similar to twitter for cross posting potential.
I'd find a way so that any posts or comments made outside of our own front end would be filtered out if not following correct posting format etc.

Thank you for the feedback . . we are taking these suggestions seriously.

  1. For now, we took the site offline since Community posts are not treated the way we thought they were.

  2. Our team is re-grouping and want to build on #hive, we just need a consensus from major stakeholders.

I would be fine with this except for the fact that this seems to drive people away from Hive front ends to Twitter. The goal of an app like that should be to drive people to engage with other Hive users instead.

Dbuzz ~ spam on Hive with a side of Twitter.

I'd be ok if there were more cats.

If people think users are spamming, use the downvote. That's what its there for. Disagreement of behaviour or rewards. Let community members decide....that's real consensus, not just the say-so of a few big stakeholders. It's no different to the actions of the great dictator over the road...

Fee free to buy more Hive if you want a larger say.

I don't want any affiliation with "WEB 2.0" apps. These billion dollar companies had their fun, we need to have our own shit that doesn't recognize theirs.

@ssjsasha that would be great but many hive users that use twitter will not leave with out creating interoperability across platforms, we are creating an incentive to come to hive for the comments on tweets that are posted on hive and we know most people want to read their comments.

That is some retarded bullshit.

Web 3.0 needs Web 2.0's traffic

I don't want any affiliation with "WEB 2.0" apps.

Step-by-step @ssjasasha, we can't do it all at once.

Two of the platforms that are rising stars, Bitchute and LBRY both use our technique, and it worked!


They have a microblogging site that you can use to post like twitter besides the twitter to hive service i think this is just brand new and can improve so much more they just need feedback about it, like remove the link to twitter for the posts and maybe just post to a community instead than to the blog?

I dont know i just think we should help improve it by giving useful feedback cause they idea behind it is not as bad 🤷🏻‍♀️

@victoriabsb yes we would love to get more feedback on ways to improve. Our Dapp does post to communities and not to blog. We also are setting it so all auto tweets decline rewards. From past feed back people like having the link so they could easily find the original tweet. Many of the hive users are also on twitter and this is a great way for them to interact on both platforms we all know people will want to see the comment their tweets are getting on hive. Using the communities the way we have makes it very easy no matter what front-end they use to see and reply to their comments.

awesome i love the idea of the post going to a community i even used another account cause i wasnt sure that would happen and i didnt wanted my blog to be spammy thank you so much for the hard work is awesome you take feed back to improve, the declined payout for twitter to hive share is awesome this should prevent spam even more! i would love to see an option to share from hive to twitter in the future and instagram support to!

thank you for your response and for the hard work!

We have considered it and may implement the hive to twitter posting are main concern is with Twitter disabling our API keys and crushing our service the second someone post anything deemed to violate their community guidelines twitter could revoke the api keys

and maybe just post to a community instead than to the blog?

That is how it is setup, Buzz's only post to the D.Buzz community, and it's always been that way.

Not only the community, it posts to your following feed if you follow a user using it. I promptly unfollowed a fellow curator in my Community, because it spammed MY feed.

These morons don't want to accept any feedback they've been given by the largest stakeholders here.

I though he just said he welcome feedback to improve, if they dont, i think is not very smart since is important to hear what the community and the stakeholders want to have a successful dapp, but they are also free to build whatever they want and that is the beauty of Hive the freedom to build the dapp you want even if is not successful.

The idea is to give people interoperability across platforms . .

Twitter is notorious about censorship and giving people a tool where they can post to chain allows their speech to live on past censorship, and when people's Tweets are posted to hive it allows hive users to partake in their conversations on chain.

People will come to Hive for their comments that Hive users give them on their tweets.

Bitchute and LBRY both use this model for allowing users to automatically post videos from Youtube to Bitchute, allowing censored videos to live on.

We have opted to decline rewards for auto posts from Twitter and our Devs are working to make it a permanent setting.

We also allow people to post directly to chain from our Dapp

If we start dictating what conversations people are allowed to have and not allowed to have whats the point of blockchain decentralization.

We want people to be able to have a place to have conversations similar to the way they do on other social media outlets.

There wont be an issue of reward pool abuse as all Twitter posts are being set to Decline Rewards. Posts will be made to the DBuzz community so no cluttering of the main feeds.

The intentions sound really nice, but it's really spammy.
It would be nice if people could set a post and then tweet into their own comment section on that post (with decline payout on comments and one post for the week to upvote).....then that post could refresh every week or every month. That'd be really nice.

@whatamidoing We have looked into that idea but using the communities for all our post prevents the main feeds from being affected. Having it in a clean format in our community allows our users to interact with content in our community easily on other platforms such as peakd and We also have the advantage of using the trending sections in communities for the top post/buzz. We are still discussing this idea and it's a possibility that we may do it the way you described. Here is a post that discusses some of this