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RE: Introducing CommentRewarder - A new service to reward comments

in #hive6 months ago (edited)

Something new on Hive, love it! CommentRewarder can be great, for example, when someone wants to start a discussion with a question as the title and only a few words below. In that case, OP can set CommentRewarder 95% or 100% to redirect rewards to commenters. stopped working, as I see, so it would be fair to create a Quora-like community for this purpose. There are so many people on Quora dreaming about good rewards for their answers... Possible to onboard them if a Hive Quora-like community becomes a thing. How to onboard some of them? For example, by starting a question on Quora "What is the best alternative to Quora?" and such types of discussions.


You're stepping on my community idea!

Jk, but I've been wanting something like @commentrewarder for it for a long time and a diverse other communities to make use of it.

Will post about a couple of them shortly!

Just learned about this today. Let's see if after today people will use any of this on that community. Could be a good point to make reference of the CR existence there too...

Yes haven't gotten to it yet, was thinking of making it default send 80% of rewards to CR (using tools that peakd offers for default beneficiaries) and then potentially enforcing that later by muting posts that don't adhere to the rule or potential abuse attempts in comments trying to get those rewards in disingenuine ways.

That would be cool. Integration with "usual" (people) tools of features like these are the things that make engagement experiences different on Hive.

I will give it a try on my next HPUD post.


Ah, the community exists already, good, have subscribed. Someone should educate people first, probably, to initiate the broader use of CR.

Will post about a couple of them shortly!

Looking forward to it.

Was going to change the rules today but noticed the keys to it aren't on my current PC's keychain so will update it tomorrow and post about it.

It might also be a great usecase for polls (commentrewarder and askthehive community).

For polls I would say a cap would be handy... to disincentivize abuse by multiple accounts voting when big rewards are in place.

not to reward the poll votes but the comments and discussions around the voting


Interesting! I hadn't thought of this use case.


This is an excellent idea ... Quora confuses me anyhow, but I would have been more motivated had it been set up like Commentrewarder can. Get those who need better over here -- love it!


Quora confuses me anyhow, but I would have been more motivated

Do you mean it confuses you as a reader or as an author on Quora?

A reader who wanted to be an author, but looked at the quality control and the reading confusion and said, "nope."

Yeah, I liked the a lot too... it had (still has if anyone wants to revamp that thing) potential.

Yeah, it did. I don't know what's happened to the project.
