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RE: Hive: Why I am Considering Leaving After One Week

in #hive3 years ago

Fundamentally it can be used in very unfriendly ways... but perhaps you are right... in that an unfriendly community will use the feature in unfriendly ways.

As you know... I’m a friendly guy who cares... and even I have been muted (for simple comments) in a community.

Was it a knee jerk reaction that a community moderator decided to use the mute feature on my voice?

Perhaps Shadows...

People aren’t perfect enlightened human beings 100% of the time...

Can this feature be used in wholesome ways?

Yes... just like the DV can be used in ways that elevate all of the humans making use of this blockchain...

But this sword (like many others) cuts both ways...

And the results therefore have to be weighed in relative terms.

For me, anyways, the verdict is still out on how we are going to innovate and evolve past our road blocks...

I sincerely want to work towards a Hive that is bettering HOW we human...

And I think that there is wisdom in regularly assessing all angles towards that end.

Much love,



Downvoting is all about how you use it. When it is used as a method to tar and feather someone or flag someone, it can get both aggravating and even defamatory in its usage (which is why certain individuals need to stop being so fast and loose with their language). Everything in the Hive blockchain is recorded for posterity, that alone should make us all very careful in how we say things and on the surface should hold us all accountable to create a friendlier and more collaborative atmosphere.

The decentralization is just not where it needs to be. More people need to just say it outright and then do something about it. Right now, we have communities and creators being forced together in a way that is not natural. We have odd liaison relationships to feed a centralization effort that is unnecessary, it is done under the reasoning of enhancing discoverability.

Wil, I'd make the case that YOUR efforts and the efforts of others to promote what is here (blogs, Splinterlands, tribes, etc.) is more valuable than any discoverability element that exists on, Peakd or Ecency.

Original content is important, but we cannot discourage someone syndicating their own content, after all we have the Exxp plugin (WordPress plugin by @howo), Beem, and LightHive where someone can take their existing content and put it here for the various communities/tribes to enjoy.

I have said it before and I'll say it again, OCD is not only a failure, but it is a centralization effort that does not necessarily promote the Hive blockchain in the best light. Is the content that good from OCD creators? Well, that's subjective. However, this is the content that is given the most favor by those with the most HP and others pile on to get the curation rewards because it is a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts to earning rewards. This leads into my advice.

To @harlowjourney...

Hive is what you make of it. You should definitely syndicate your content and use the Hive blogging community of your choice as your comments section to help you improve and interact with your audience. Don't be reliant on what is here alone (diversify), unless you actually own and operate the dApp. To really win here, you have to build on this blockchain. Deliver something that is out there already in some form, but you make it your own and it make it more dynamic somehow by putting here on the blockchain. Bringing people to the Hive blockchain through your dApp or community created is the best way to really find massive success without having to play "Reindeer Games" or be subject to a centralized kangaroo court. There's no monopoly here on communities/niches. Even Reddit has "duplicate" communities, if I wanted to create a College Football subreddit, I could... even though there is a massively popular r/CFB. So if you don't like what you see, be the change. You may be surprised. This plays into the theme of Wil's message to make a positive impact, you just have to create it.

Want a great example of someone who was a part of several communities and saw an opportunity to carve their own niche? Ask @rob23. He created @DunkSocial (, SportsTalkSocial already existed, but he went and created his own community and token so that we all can have a place that is 100% dedicated to Basketball.

Make some connections here, syndicate, promote, diversify, and create something on this blockchain. You'll find there are a lot of people who will be willing to help you if you are going to put in the work to because we all win, if it is better. We all lose if a few people decide to turn this into their own fiefdom and use intimidation to run people off just so they can corner the market (this is actually happening). What good is Hive if nobody wants to use it?

@pickpub That was a fascinating and empowering comment. I think I have a lot more learning and observation to do before I am ready to create something new, but it is an exciting, compelling idea. Thank you.

@wil.metcalfe You make some great points. I think downvoting and muting can seem very arbitrary and unfriendly to newcomers, unfortunately.