Ohhhhhh yeah! Operation #Ping is going to be felt near and far on this blockchain Nathan! We are going to move the engagement needle... TOGETHER! ☄️
Yes! You got it! Category 1 Commanders launch their Operation #Ping Missions starting January 8th! You happen to be a Category 3 Commander on the Hive richter scale! Are you going to join us Nathan? 🤩
I know that this is going to be a significant effort, especially for our bigger accounts here on Hive... but all the more reason to make a laser focused effort I think! There is going to be so much individual and collective value that will be unlocked with every #Ping during the course of the next several weeks! Watch for it my friend!
I really hope that you decided to cast your lot in with the #CometCrew! 👓
The comments (on Hive AND Twitter) IS the front lines here on Hive! 💪