During the evening period. The world face many uncertainties.
We wake up every day to hope that there will be good news about the problem.
The problem is a plague, and it is killing the world system.
Thousands of souls are gone and still counting.
The plague knows nobody irrespective of the status.
World leaders are getting infected. The rich are crying secretly.
Countries economy are going down. The world market is dwindling.
Human movement has been restricted. And everyone ambitions to be rich suddenly gone.
The only goal is survival. And the only question is: When will this end?
Some people predicted this many years ago. We see and read many.
The Sun is going down. Going in free fall.
We need someone to hold the earth. Who can? The Creator?
The earth is crying and it looks like the end of humanity.
The mighty one is watching, he is waiting for the right time to intervene.
We do not want to lose anyone, but many families are already gone.
Please the mighty one, save humanity.