I have formerly participated in the token burn posts, but my understanding of currency has evolved such that I now reckon wider distribution would more benefit Hive than increasing extant token value.
Were I yet convinced of your oligarchical membership I would yammer about the plot to prevent adoption in order to prevent domination of governance by acquisition of Hive by off platform investors. Now I reckon your interest in the token derives from your personal plans, which seem not to be based on gaining wider distribution and more users, but to focus on increasing the scarcity of tokens to increase the value of those you hold. My own fiscal policies are also consistent with my stake, so I'm not flinging accusations, but simply noting that our policies are consequent to our resources and plans.
I’m largely trying to counter poor dhf spending and the increased sell pressure it created. Also the fact we have a microscopic user base but are creating like 90k hive a day.
I sincerely appreciate the fact that you are doing something you reckon will improve things without tromping on any toes. I don't harbor any illusion that you should be helicoptering your Hive tokens - or Hive should that 90k - to Fakebook bots, or on Twatter. That might pique curiosity in one of the bot farmers and bring a new user to the Hive, but it will produce selling that will put pressure on price, and that would be bad for you and Hive. However, I don't have enough tokens to helicopter any, or much care about the price (as affecting me personally).
I note we both care about the userbase of Hive, and Hive isn't gaining 90k users a day, nor does the current environment seem to intend such growth. I think we'll agree that no matter how many rally cars Hive funds through the DHF we're not going to generate growth in users nominal to justify that inflation. I think there are changes that can be made to make the environment attractive to new users, but the recipients of that 90k (that fund the rally car) will continue to oppose those changes.
So, who is getting that 90k? Off the top of my head without checking any of my assumptions I think of the top 20 witnesses, then the Smooths and Blocktrades of the DHF, then the Real Wolves of Trending, all of whom I assume have ~100k accounts across which they share the love. Are there any particulars you are aware of that pin the 90k tails on the right donkeys? I should look and compare curation rewards to author rewards to see which churns out more of that inflation, and wrap my head around the DHF and how conversions of HBD to Hive impact that 90k, but I didn't. However, I wonder if you know these things already so post these questions to you to save time if you do.
Reward pool gets most of it, then witnesss, and finally filling dhf
If I remember correctly it is
65% reward pool
15% staking
10% witness
10% dhf
HBD interest is additional inflation and a lot of the dhf funding is from the ninja mine not the 10%.
It seems apparent that the DHF cannot continue the rate of depletion ongoing. Since HBD interest has just declined by 5% it seems there isn't dedication to sustaining the proposals currently being funded with new debt from stakeholders capable of voting for it.
I appreciate the greater detail. I won't press further.