My own understanding is the intelligence community has gained the upper hand over all, and banks, government, and private industry are more organs of that creature than its fellow creatures.
I sure do hope you're right about the failure of CBDCs, because my life depends on it. While I literally eschew money to the degree possible, I could not do so without the community goodwill and their use of money I depend on. If they are trapped by CBDCs that goodwill will no longer avail me my needs.
I do expect them to try to force CBDCs on all of us, and to starve, freeze, and impoverish us until we either submit or die. If we surmount that challenge it will be because we do not starve without their food supplies, do not freeze without their energy, and have money we ourselves create and control that they cannot take from us.
Banks are unimportant in the grand scheme of things, as it is the power banks wield economically that actually matters. That power can be wielded through CBDCs even better than it can through fractional reserve banking and debt based money. This is why I believe banks are obsolete as buggy whips and lobotomists.
On second thought, lobotomists just use televisions instead of ice picks today. That industry seems yet to thrive.