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RE: First Week of Rewarding Comments

in #hive4 days ago

"...I'm not going to let them get autovotes and leech the network..."

They're not leeching the network. They're being rewarded by society for their content. Every vote you counter is someone else's curation, their subjective evaluation of content as worthy of their upvote, exactly what Hive promises to enable creators to achieve that cannot be achieved on Web2 platforms.

What business could survive in an environment in which anyone could tax that business to the limit of their financial power? Could Toyota produce Tundras if Ford could tax them 100% of the sales price of their trucks? It is this taxation free for all that has eliminated Hive's userbase, rudely ejected ~1M people that ventured the learning curve since 2016 to post on Hive and were subjected to taxation of every satoshi of rewards other users voted them.

Everyone on Hive has this same ability to tax any creator, and when herds of followers fund taxers like you, no creator can sustain economic viability. Their rewards are not your money. You are not a god of truth, determining what speech can and cannot be allowed. Don't like something I say? Don't upvote it. Like my passion for free speech? Vote it up. Disagree with me? Say so. Those are your just options regarding my, or anyone else's, content. Flags are for spam, scams, and plagiarism. Not having proper SEO, or not making pitches to their audience you want them to, isn't a just reason to tax them off the platform.

It's none of your business what other people upvote. Taxation is theft. Don't steal from others what they have earned from their peers. You are the ilk that has destroyed Hive by misusing tools necessary to prevent spam, scams, and plagiarism to discourage voices you don't want to hear by taxing their content until they go away. You're misusing tools necessary to handle criminals to punish content creators you don't like, or don't agree with, or for no other reason than you don't want them to prosper.

Stop destroying Hive.



"Germany is already showing the way, with ... the documents already in place for “the future of the Internet,” the existing administration has a stated aim to close the Internet to free speech and install censors at all levels."

This isn't in any way shape or form related to adjusting pending rewards.

It absolutely is, because censorship is Hive's real driver of growth. Unrestrained taxation is a means of censoring people, which is why you do it. You do it to drive them off the platform because they can't tolerate the economic theft. It works, which is why the Canadian government seized bank accounts of people donating to honking truckers to end the Freedom Convoy.

Because you and your ilk censorially tax creators, Hive cannot resist censorship and Hive stake cannot be decentralized, but ~30% of Hive is held by 4 whales today. Were Hive able to decentralize stake across all national boundaries by allowing authors to be rewarded without taxing them onerously, and people able to post forthrightly, adoption would be widespread and global, and because Hive's servers are distributed all over the world, and Hive users are distributed all over the world, and there is no CEO of Hive to arrest and threaten with a broom handle, Hive could prevent the UK, Canada, or any other authoritarian shithole from censoring people.

But ya'll have a bird in the hand, so you milk it. Screw Western civilization and freedom.

lol, I do it cause they're taking a big part of the rewards pool by providing nothing of value in return + seeing their posts trending with no one here even leaving a comment makes the platform look dead.

If they cared about decentralized stake they wouldn't have been constantly selling off all their stake.

Muting you from notifications now as well, get over yourself and this narrative of "me wanting hive to stay small so I can get most of the stake", it's idiotic at best.

"...providing nothing of value..."

See, this is where you go off the rails. You aren't society. You do not value their contribution, so you should not curate it. However, you have the power to tax the curation of society so you rabidly apply that power - and this destroys social media by eliminating the subjective valuations of other people. You assume the role of a god that determines what is or isn't right for society. This arrogation to yourself of that power to tax is the destruction of social media, and of Hive.

Edit: further, it is this mechanism of author rewards that is what decentralizes Hive economically, and creates resilience to censorship from any polity or block of polities. You play that you do not understand this reality, but I am confident you are well aware of the consequences of your unrestrained censorship preventing growth and decentralization of Hive, and act to do so to enable the oligarchy to maintain plutocratic control because you're well paid to do it.

What you fail to grasp is that you far more highly value freedom and free speech than you do money, and you're cutting your own throat by preventing technological advance that Hive is from overcoming obsolete political systems that depend on gangs of armed thugs to enslave humanity to aggrandize overlords. Being a Hive whale doesn't make you an overlord, and it never will until Hive escapes the triad of crippling hamstrings that keep it from overcoming centralized control. I don't see any other mechanisms that could so overcome. Twatter, Telegram, and other Web2 centralized platforms can't do it, as Brazil and France have proved.

As long as Hive is centralized, plutocratic, and censored by unrestrained taxation - by you - it can't either. Hive whales with ~10% of their stake because they allowed Hive to become decentralized would profit immensely from allowing their stake to be diminished if Hive tokens mooned to a reasonable value of $100. Hive is a social media platform with a use case that is able to dominate the social media market (if allowed) and could eclipse BTC rapidly were that market allowed to flourish. It's hard to even imagine how much those whales would benefit from enabling Hive to rise to the $k's or $m's it would be worth dominating the global social media market, but cash is king, and a bird in the hand prevents enabling the value of the flock in the bush to be captured.

Ignorance is bliss, they say, and it's hard to see muting me as anything else. It's what I have come to expect from you and your ilk, so I am not surprised one bit that you refuse to even hear this criticism. It's very revealing of you, and demonstrates your insincerity and corruption clearly, however. Enjoy the fruits of your acts. You have earned them.

I scrolled down all the way on @davidpakman's profile from early 2022 to mid 2021.

Not a single downvote from me and hey, would you look at this:


Maybe you should take it up with @broncnutz why he was so bent on downvoting him to 0 constantly for what looks like half a year. If my assumption is correct that it's based on political opinions rather than content/effort/value to the platform, then I disagree with that the same way you might be. Downvotes/adjustment shouldn't occur based on opinionated disagreement of other things than the value the author may bring to hive. Even if you think they bring close to 0 value like broncnutz maybe thinks, I wouldn't personally 0 out rewards with very few exceptions over the 8 years I've been here.

So please direct your complaints somewhere else from now on, thanks.

Hive makes it possible for people to receive "blind/auto" votes due to its feeless nature. You're suggesting that posts that no one sees/no proof exists that anyone is consuming, should blindly get excessive support because a few whales want those accounts supported excessively in comparison to others and in terms of share of the daily reward pool.

We don't have a viewcounter on most front-ends but I've never downvoted posts to lower the rewards without doing my due diligence to check history of the account's engagement levels on their posts, viewcounter whenever it existed (3speak, peakd) or checking their websites, other socials to see if links to their hive posts exist in any shape or form. As I mentioned when we first started discussing this, Pakman for one did attempt to get involved and was quite active in engaging with people engaging with him. I doubt I downvoted this account to begin with.

There were however other smaller "influencers" receiving massive votes as well where I saw very little "activity" other than cross-posting and speaking up first when some small downvotes occurred. Reading your other comment now I very much disagree that I downvoted excessively to the point where I zero'd out rewards except for a few times where I maybe lost my temper due to lies or purpose assholery.

Let me check to back up some of those claims above since you keep going on about this.