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RE: First Week of Rewarding Comments

in #hive5 days ago

Which could have been leveraged with a bit of reason to create an influx of social media users to Hive, but wasn't. Instead the DHF funds a rally car and all manner of expenditures unrelated to social media to the tune of $M's.

Outrageous taxation policies have been deliberately used to prevent Hive growth so that the extant oligarchy that controls Hive governance by having the most votes (stake) kept that control. A growing platform would attract IRL stakes to whom Hive's entire market cap is lunch money, and that would threaten to steemroll the oligarchy that currently has a death grip on Hive governance.

Censorship is any suppression of speech, and it is blatantly obvious that DV taxation is extremely effective at discouraging speech. That's why it works to suppress spam, scams, and plagiarism - which cross-posting isn't - and why it has been the tool to prevent Hive from becoming an attractive investment to substantial off platform capital, so the control of Hive governance did not escape the grasp of extant oligarchs.

This is also why the DHF is being bled out, because it is a cash reserve vulture capitalists particularly target, as Bain Capital Partners and KKR have repeatedly demonstrated. Decentralizing governance by more broadly distributing Hive rewards would have enabled Hive growth while preventing the steemrolling Sun Yuchen used to captured Steem, but the oligarchy preferred to maintain their majority of stake and control of governance even at the cost of $.1 Hive.

A bird in hand...

Now the market of social media users, more desperate than ever for censorship resistance platforms, rightly sees Hive as less attractive than Fakebook, Twatter, or Youtool because those platforms are less censored. Every Hive user being able to tax any creator to the limit of their stake, with whales deliberately targeting influential accounts for spurious reasons - like the disapproval of cross-posting you refer to - belies the claim Hive is censorship resistant due to the blockchain permanence of content, because such persistence is economically useless when taxed to death with DV's.

The reek of rampant censorship is a taint Hive could dispel by ending unrestrained taxation, and Hive could leverage it's technical advantages and economic potential to reward creators and moon. It won't, because three dozen whales control the governance of Hive by possessing the majority of stake, at least not until the DHF is empty and diverted into their wallets. Once the corpse of Hive is wrung dry of ROI and cash reserves they'll move on, just like Bain Capital Partners or KKR do.


thanks for reminding me why I have you muted.

if all you do is crosspost which takes close to 0 effort by pakmans social manager you can't expect to get free rewards for years and years after showing no attempts to give something back to the ecosystem. it's happened with many similar influencers.

Go back to steemit and take pakman with you, no downvotes there and look at where the rewards are going if you wanna complain about centralisation of stake.

no downvotes there

you mean Blurt!

You rant about BS that has nothing to do with the issue you have been a primary cause of, through taxing creators beyond tolerability. Keep muting rational criticism - until the money runs out. Then you'll wonder how it all went to shit, because you're not listening to reason.

Maybe you'll get it when it's too late to do a damn thing about it, like many people do.