Seven Years On The Hive Blockchain

in #hive16 hours ago

Yesterday, as I sat down to write my most recent post on here, I thought to myself how I must be nearing 7 years on here and low and behold I get a message from Hivebuzz, on that very post, congratulating me for 7 years on the Blockchain. Seven years, that's how old my youngest daughter is. With each of those years being so full, of love and of grief.


Hive has from the very beginning, provided me with an extra income that I have really needed. I really wish I was in a position to invest in the Blockchain, from a financial point of view, as doing so would benefit more than just me, it would benefit the whole community. And yet, that has not been possible. Even though I live a minimalist lifestyle with my girls, I am also the solo provider for them, so I need to be able to meet their needs.

Hive has enabled me to do that. Sure it's a struggle sometimes, but we always manage. Recently I started a powerdown, so that I could finance our trip to Ireland. Something I would not be able to do that, without Hive.

I remember when I was first introduced to Steemit, the whole idea of it, completely overwhelmed me. I have never been one to spend time on a computer. Sure I could see the benefits of them and I used to to email etc, but I never felt drawn to them. But I did feel the pull, when I began exploring it. I really liked the idea, that I could connect with people from all over, actually get information straight from the horses mouth, when it came to world events.

I tried Facebook for a while, but quickly grew bored of it. It just didn't feel real, mostly because it didn't feel like people were being honest on there.

I had heard about crypto already, anything to do with Freedom, I'm interested in, but I couldn't really get my head around it, I'm just not built that way. But suddenly, there I was interacting on the blockchain and earning Crypto. I'm very hands on, so if I want to learn something, l learn best by doing. So I found myself beginning to understand a little about the Crypto world and I have never looked back.


A few months after I joined, I separated from the father of my children and a few months later I lost my sister. During all that, the Steemit/ Hive blockchain, supported me and my girls. It enabled me and my girls to visit Ireland when we needed to. At one stage it was the only income I had and I am forever grateful for that. It really helped me, when I was struggling.
And not just financially. I could write for ages about the wonderful people on here, the wonderful communities.

How this platform, gave me the opportunity to express myself, to express my grief, my anger, my love. How the responses I got, helped me to navigate those turbulent times, how it still does.

There are people on here, that mean a lot to me. That have helped me during some of the most difficult times of my life. Times when I have been so low, feeling really helpless, and their words of encouragement, have helped to lift me, to carry me. There are too many to name, but they know who they are. I'm sure about that.

I've seen people come and go on here, so many wonderful people that have inspired me. That have challenged me, that have educated me. That's really what I love the most, about our community. How we all just share, what matters to us. Little snippets of our lives, rants, insights, passions. How we have witnessed one another's journeys, through the content we have shared. How all of us, from different walks of life, interact with one another, with little to no judgement, just good honest communication. Which has been my experience, most of the time.

I am missing out on that at the moment though, because I just don't have the as much time, to spend on here. So I dip in and out, hoping that in the not too distant future, I can engage more, with people.
But, I am forever grateful to this platform, to everyone on here.
To everyone who keeps it together, who makes it work. It's enriched my life in many ways.


Happy Hiveversary! Hope to see you here for many more years to come, since you are one of my favorite people on here. For real. It's always such a joy and so refreshing, reading what you have to say and I personally have always taken great inspiration and comfort from knowing there's people like you out there, making the world a little brighter <3

Love you lots!

PS: hope the trip to Ireland isn't tied to anything bad/sad. Sorry, a bit out of the loop. Hope you otherwise get there soon and that you have a good time with your girls.

Congrats! I met you just before you lost your sister. I can't believe it's been that long already. xoxoxoxoxo

Congrats on 7 years on Steemit/Hive! It does sound like you've gone through a lot and it is so nice to have this online community for support!

Happy hiveaniversary. It is very nice to know that you have found support and help on this platform and that you feel such sincere gratitude. I wish you to have that and more for many years to come.

Dear @trucklife-family, reading this brought tears to my eyes, as much for the gratitude that such an incredible framework exists that allows people worldwide to surmount their local economic conditions and situations, and for the help that it and this incredible community has provided for you and your girls over the years.

Huge congratulations on your 7-year Hiversary, that's truly amazing. I arrived on the Blockchain a little over 3 years ago, and upon perceiving its massive potential, and its exceptional actuality, I went all-in for for the long haul, giving my all every single day, and as much for everyone else, as as for myself. On my irrevocable march to Whalehood, I intend to help as many others as I'm able to do the same. That's a huge part of why I do what I do here, why I'm building and growing to the best of my ability.

It's truly been my honor, pleasure, and privilege to meet, and to get to know you, during the time that I have. 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

Wow, congratulations to you

Congratulations on growth @trucklife-family 🎉... Congratulations on how far you've come on hive 💕🍾🥂🎉.

Really, we all have our stories to tell and steemit/hive came at our most vulnerable moment for smooth sailing through the storm.

Happy meeting you here, more years of the good times and greater height 💐🥂🤝🏾

And oh.. love the piercings 😍

The blockchain is a better place for having you on it :)

Congratulations to you. I'm glad I met you here as you inspire me.

happy 7th cakeday!