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RE: Why I won't be Voting for Witnesses.

in #hive5 years ago

I got hive cuz I managed to take part of the airdrop, which wasnt hard.

actually I had to do exactly nothing. :)

That's interesting. It looks like you and I are in the same boat, that's exactly how I got my HIVE, by doing nothing. My concern is for fellow HIVEians that were excluded from the airdrop because they did something. They took part in an election (or vote for witness). Many people all around the world take part in free and fair elections. However, if their communities were to penalize them because of who they voted for, I think you'd see a sharp decline in turnout.

If people are afraid to vote for who they want, it means that the system of governance isn't there based upon the will of the people, but rather based on the fear of the people. A consensus is a general agreement. A fear-based consensus is a social contract signed under duress and cast in the form of a ballot or vote. Contracts, agreements, and votes carried out under duress are null and void because it creates artificial outcomes.


An Airdrop is free money.

You try to tell me everyone has a right to free money.

Do you know economy? Austrian school?

But I can feel and hear you, you have a high fairness feeling in you. Sadly it has been abused and reprogrammed by society.

It's just fair that our community has a right to exclude certain people from an airdrop of the ne currency of our own new blockchain..
That kinda was the consensus on this new chain. And people were informed.
Without that part, HIVE would be THE SAME as STEEM....

Also we still have the ability to still airdrop certain excluded users. All funds are in the SPS.

"It's just fair that our community has a right to exclude certain people from an airdrop"

Is it fair for a government to exclude citizens
from government benefits if they vote for
the wrong political party? If it's fair how
would you ever expect to get the real
consensus of the people? You'd end
up with a dictatorship that all people
will vote for out of a fear that bad
things will happen to them, like
getting excluded from benefits
(airdrops) or separated from
their $ if they vote "wrong."

I'm for decentralization and against centralized system which can do that.