Trello + Upwork Style Platform For Hive - Wish List

in #hive4 years ago

Trello board with built-in reverse auction for Hive

If you're not familiar with Trello - If you're not familiar with "Reverse Auctions" style work hiring platforms -

Users can post the work they are working on. Hivers can opt in to help, rate, and leave feedback to the buidlers. If the buidler needs some help, they could put the work out they need to be done and Hive community members can compete over getting the work. The idea is, Builder puts out work that needs to be done with either an hourly rate or fixed price. Workers then apply for the job, either accepted the current rate or offering to do it for cheaper. This is the reverse auction part, as in a normal auction the thing for sale usually gets more expensive as people bid. In a reverse auction, it is the opposite, bids usually get cheaper over time as they compete with other workers to get the job.

A great feature about an Hiver style Trello board is Hivers can vote for work they believe should be funded. The idea is to get more people putting out their efforts and letting the community decide if it deserves funding or not. The main point of the Trello board is not to get funding, that is just a perk to putting your work in public. The main idea is to get people working together.

One of the things I’ve learned in my hunt for the great decentralized Hive sidechains is that there are so many people working on various projects, either projects that are exactly the same or trying to accomplish the same goal or even just complementary to each other. It is easier to say who isn't working on a decentralized sidechain for Hive then who is, and this is only partly joking. I believe there is a big, missed opportunity when it comes to having users working together, sharing ideas and efforts to make more robust applications on the Hive blockchain.

Working together will always get you further than working alone. I also believe sometimes people may be too shy, or they are not seeking funding to put out a DAO proposal. Taking the presser off the builder (DAO proposals come with critiques, putting yourself out there, etc.) and allowing them to just build, and letting the community decide which builder(s) they would like to see funded. It’s a cool way of giving yourself an opportunity you wouldn’t have to work alone/ secluded.

Why not just use Trello? Trello is centralized, and I don't like building foundations on land I don't "own" - meaning this site can become giant for Hive, and we don't want to be at anyone's mercy when that happens. Also, there are some features Trello just doesn't have that Hive offers.

Why not just use Upwork? The same issue as Trello, it is centralized. Also, you have to be "accepted" as a freelancer for upwork, and not everyone from every country is eligible. They only deal in fiat, which is expensive and slow to move. Also, upwork can and will freeze your funds for any reason (had it happen to me, been using Upwork before it was even called Upwork, I even made a reverse auction poker coaching site called PokerLancer back in the day)

And the fact there is not like Trello combined with Upwork, mostly because Web 2 and Web 3 are so different. Web 3 is a lot more working together, opensource. Web 2 is about working alone, hiding code etc.

I'm just putting this idea into the universe. I will help fund it and potentially when we get 3speak v2 launched I will have more time to just get the site built myself.


This is one of the best idea's I have heard in quite a while.
The issue with the DAO is the support needed makes it hard for small dev's to try things and get funding. The only people using the DAO have larger projects or Friends.

This takes away from a de-centralized blockchain as the DAO is kind of just whales voting whales.

This proposal sounds like it can fix that. If that can be fixed on-boarding devs / users will be easier and benefit all.

Best of luck!

Agree, there is an unmet need/opportunity for smaller projects.

I like that idea, there are many work tools, but they are open to all countries and the payment system is traditional, I have also thought about that idea, I would like to work on that. I have worked for similar projects.

One big reason of working on these.that blocked payment.. So but it is great concept ..every one want to workv..yeah i will if there is no option of suspendid my work salary...

I like the ideas laid out here. I recently did some simple code changes for an open source project to help out a fellow Hiver. I didn't mind doing it for free, but I received a nice tip for the service. Wish I had a platform to do this a dozen times over.

@jskitty did Hiverr come to fruition?

Heyo, unfortunately not ^^ I was offered a career opportunity that I could not decline, at the time of starting Hiverr I didn't have any stable income, so thought I'd give it a kick, developed a bit of it (logins / dashboard / etc), then had my offer, if I get some free time in the future I hope to return to it and finish it, but no promises, gotta eat and pay the bills. 😄❤️

Thanks for the reply! totally understandable.

Very nice idea!