Here are a few different designs/edits of a quick project from earlier today. Anyone have any comments?
I am currently taking new clients for graphic design work if you or anyone should have a need for a unique, grungy, gritty, attention grabbing piece that will be well worth whatever you may pay. I accept the almighty dollar, crypto and some bartering could be possible. Contact me ASAP to discuss any ideas you want to bring to life for 2022!
PS - I'm still looking for folks to give me a little guidance on where to go on here, who to talk to, etc. Throw me a bone LOL!
@apoloo1 I appreciate the compliment on my workmanship! I wouldn't consider myself an expert, but I will definitely accept the compliment because it lets me know I am growing and getting better. What kind of ideas do you have in mind? Feel free to shoot them by to me anytime. I am very reasonable in terms of costs and so forth as well. Are you involved in any groups on Hive or something similar?