I think that true decentralization is difficult to obtain. It has been tried lots in the "analog" world and greed and money get in the way so you end up with oligarchies and cartels forming. Pioneerism is also a problem (those who get there first grab the goodies leaving crumbs for those that follow. Thus producing fuck all incentive for latecomers.)
To be honest I don't know what the solution is as you need to drive people to join in without the expectation of instant profit. My guess that it would have to be some form of power or gamification but that is a fucking vague concept. It also would have to not become a job to the point where it interferes with real life.
I think a LOT Of my issues could be fixed by - as determined by various comment threads in here leading to realizations - is that a real crux problem is the messaging of "get paid to blog" (more or less) and then finding out its stake based after you get here, try things that you cant do effectively and learn you kinda gotta pay to play and earn. or you'll be a LONNNNG time before its "blog and get paid" for the typical starter day zero noob.
So better explaining at the beginning on ALL the various sign up sites.
Well yeah. That's the effects of pioneerism and tempting people in only to disappoint them. You've knocked out a way better article than I can address btw.
Thanks for the read all teh same!