a script to generate what you see here. Some of the post is manual as I like to include some commentary and I will keep tweaking it. I am open to suggestions for improvements. I aim to do a fresh list on the first Saturday of each month.I started compiling these lists in December 2020 to continue something @pennsif used to do as I think it helps bring the community together. Since then I have found lots more people to include. @HiveSQL has been really useful for this. I use Python with beem (by @holger80) in
Logo by @barge
Discord to discuss it or drop me a comment. The list will include anyone living in the UK as well as Brits who have moved abroad.I also rely on the community to let me know of people to include. @livinguktaiwan has helped a lot with this. You can find me in the @teamuksupport
Previous editions
- May 2021 - 198 active.
- April 2021 - 158 active.
- March 2021 - 139 active.
- February 2021 - 112 active.
- January 2021 - 106 active.
- December 2020 - 92 active.
What it means
The numbers above are for those who had posted or commented in the previous month. In the lists below I break each region into three lists:
- Active as above.
- Just voting. I will guess that a lot of these use automatic votes, e.g. HiveVote. Previously there were some that appear to have been compromised as they vote for known abusers. Those are now excluded until I hear that they have recovered control.
- Inactive in the last month, but most have done something since Hive started. We can hope to bring them back.
I want to count people rather than accounts as some have several. I can include those in brackets if you want. Let me know if you want me to update your listing.
We finally hit 200 active UK Hivers this time! Not a big increase on last month, but then I may have found most of the establisted users now. There have been about a dozen totally new people in the last month that we have found. Others have come back after long breaks. I have over 400 accounts in my list to check, which is why I had to automate it.
I am adding locations to people gradually, but it is not a priority and some people do not like to be too precise about where they are. It is clear that Brighton is becoming a hub of Hive activity with lots of musicians. Can someone get Fatboy Slim to sign up?
It is encouraging that more people seem to have joined in the last three months than in the rest of the last year.
Now things are opening up it may be possible to have some meetups. Please let me know of any that are planned and I will feature them.
The numbers
London & the South East (73/23/28)
@abeilleblooms (Southend), @actuarialuk91 (Cambridge), @adetorrent (London), @andy4475 (Woking), @artelmedia (West London), @atomcollector (@risingstargame @juxtamusic), @audiohive-me, @awah, @basilmarples, @bellou61 (Brighton), @blockchainyouth, @camerarules, @cezary-io, @charitycurator, @chris-uk, @cryptogee, @daine-cherry, @dannyshine, @darkstardust (London @ladystardust), @davidthompson57, @djjamesblack (Brighton), @dolphinartuk (Essex), @donatello, @dougdigital, @edenmichelle, @frankiic3, @gillianpearce (Brighton), @grizzle (Bedford), @holisticmom, @imfarhad, @immarojas, @jaxsonmurph, @kaywoods, @kgakakillerg (@gmlrecordz @kggymlife), @knit-stich-witch (London), @lloyddavis (@steemcampuk @lloyd-social), @maneco64, @markangeltrueman, @moemanmoesly, @molometer, @nakedverse, @namiks, @nathanmars, @nickyhavey, @nicolcron, @notaboutme, @petrahaller, @profitmachine (Istanbul and London), @queenoftheworld, @rawveganista, @raymondspeaks, @rmsbodybuilding, @robbieallenart, @sagardyola (London), @sazzler, @sergiomendes (@thesassysergio), @silvergoldhunter, @spectrumecons, @stav (Norfolk), @steevc (Bedfordshire @tenkminnows @swing47), @stickchumpion, @stickupboys (Brighton), @stickupmusic (Brighton), @stormkeepergu (@stormkeepersmdk), @talesfrmthecrypt, @thedawness, @timspawls, @trippymane, @ultravioletmag, @winkandwoo, @writerjordan, @xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, @zoltarian
Voting: @bleepcoin, @d3p0, @dashfit, @digna, @endaksi1 (Cambridge), @ezzy, @greatvideos, @icepee, @kabir88, @kph, @liverehab, @matildamoment, @mattniblock, @nanzo-scoop, @pizzadalek, @rafique, @redrica, @slayerkm, @stimp1024, @touringhousewife, @tricki, @watt.the.watt, @wilfredn
Inactive: @adamaslam, @artzo, @bewithbreath, @blackrussian, @boogieboa, @breadcentric, @carwashlondon, @dougalporteous, @dronegraphica, @elmerlin (London), @fleur (Cambridge), @hockney, @jameshsmitharts, @jedb, @kezyma, @knelstrom, @minteh, @pushpedal, @rea, @rosa33, @stealthywolfxli, @steemlondon, @susanlo, @teodora, @the-busy-bee, @the-gorilla, @thecryptidcrone, @todayslight
The Midlands (15/11/17)
@abh12345, @article61, @awakingelements, @dannewton (@earthsea), @dickturpin, @ellenripley, @fastchrisuk, (Sherwood Forest), @neilru75, @rimicane, @rthelly, @shanibeer (@susie-saver Leicester), @shmoogleosukami, @susie-saver, @ura-soul
Voting: @beautifulbullies, @dawnsart, @kryptoe, @leighscotford, @neopch, @opheliafu, @s0u1 (Nottinghamshire), @skaarl, @tamiapt6, @the3metrewrap, @unkidrik
Inactive: @audreyvr, @bettynoir, @brianbrogan1960, @codelikeamother, @decentered-media, @ebabb, @fizogphotography, @flashpointstudio, @gribbles, @jaytaylor, @martaesperanza, @maxrwolfe, @paulofnottingham, @purplephoto, @stormriderstudio, @wildonewon, @xwidep
The South West (11/5/5)
@cryptokingzno1, @diveratt, @francesleader, @jimbobbill, @jonboka, @livinguktaiwan, @mudcat36, @sharpshot, @sunsethunter, @ukbitcoinmaster, @wolven-znz
Voting: @adambarratt, @davidlionfish (Bristol), @eveningart, @nockzonk, @thomaskatan
Inactive: @dedarknes (Plymouth), @newtonclassics, @perceptualflaws, @phoenixftwinter, @stickycj
The North (27/13/12)
@ambrosechappel (Southport), @amos1969, @amy-explores, @ashtv (Yorkshire), @c0ff33a (Yorkshire @whiterosecoffee @teamuksupport), @chisdealhd, @dadspardan, @darrenclaxton, @darrenflinders, @demotruk (Isle of Man), @dizzydiscovery, @erdeniz (Manchester), @goblinknackers, @introvert-dime, @jphamer1, @karenb54, @let123, (Isle of Man), @pcste, @planetauto, @raj808, @sam1965uk, @sisygoboom, @slobberchops, @streetwize (Bradford), @teamhumble, @yunnie (Isle of Man)
Voting: @artonmysleeve, @bingbabe, @cryptocurator, @digitaldan, @jskitty, @lastravage, @m-ssed-t, @makrotheblack (Liverpool), @mckeever, @radicalpears (Huddersfield), @someguy123, @stevenwood, @vraba
Inactive: @adamfryda-art, @anidiotexplores, @dismayedworld, @father2b, @jackshootsstuff (West Yorkshire), @jacpl, @leetodd, @madmaxx12 (Manchester), @magenta24, @richgaynor, @schminimal, @steddyman
Scotland (9/7/7)
@barge (@krunkypuram), @cadawg, @camuel (@acousticguitar), @celticheartbeat (@jubei333), @cottonlazarus, @epicdave, @kevmcc, @meesterboom (@b00m), @rafalforeigner
Voting: @btcvenom, @fiftysixnorth, @howiemac, @myskye, @natubat, @stef1 (@art-venture), @wisbeech
Inactive: @agrestic, @danaidhbee, @highlandwalker, @huitemae, @imaginingfreedom, @indusrush, @joshuaslane
Wales (8/2/6)
@cassi, @grindle, @louisthomas, @pumpkinsandcats, @stevejhuggett, @stevelivingston, @theturtleproject, @welshstacker
Voting: @gazbaz4000, @p-props
Inactive: @alishas, @artystuff, @elizabethharvey, @magnus19, @pennsif (@steemclub-uk), @trolleydave
Northern Ireland (2/0/0)
Somewhere in the UK... (32/34/27)
@abdex9, @alienbutt, @andrewharland, @brauner-benz, @brianhphotos, @clivemartin, @crucialweb, @cryptosneeze, @fadetoblack, @fatasfunk, @forbritain, @frugal-fun, @haitch, @iansart, @jmehta, @localgrower, @luppers, @marcusbraeburn, @millycf1976, @mrsatoshiii, @platinum-blue, @remystar93, @sbenbow, @scubahead, @socialmediaseo, @stevieboyes, @tommyrobinson, @trading-tokens (England), @ukheather, @vtravels, @zedcell, @zeeshannaqvi72
Voting: @alheath, @anarchojeweler, @bobskibob, @brothershield, @cryptovios, @cynicalcake, @damianjayclay, @djsl82, @dnpq, @english-ant, @eternalsuccess, @filbell, @gmuxx, @goldstreet, @hopehuggs, @imbartley, @lefty619, @loolooasuna, @niko3d, @nockzonk, @owenwat, @phonetix, @pjau, @realjohnaziz, @ryanscottesq, @scalextrix, @spicetrader, @steemboat-steve, @tazbaz, @tggr.trb, @tkolpaczek, @tobias-g, @tomatom, @webdeals
Inactive: @adhudson, @autocoincars, @basejumper, @bloodycritique, @bobbylee, @bokarecords, @catanddogtips, @davewuk, @drvimto, @earnxtreme, @elliotjgardner, @hilarywhitehead, @hkb28, @jimjam1210, @marketingmonk, @offthecuff2020, @peedeerai, @pellx, @premiumdomains, @quirk-it, @redarrow, @seanspeaks, @smileformovie, @the-nature-plug, @tremendospercy, @v3ptur, @vibeof100monkeys
Expats (23/0/3)
@accelerator (@rycharde Thailand), @cryptoandcoffee (South Africa), @eco-alex (Planet Earth), @eftnow (Spain), (France), @jeffandhisguitar (SE Asia), @justinchicken (Japan), @l0tti3 (South Africa), @livelovejourney (Majorca), @lucylin (Thailand), @mattsbeamer (Russia), @milliganstravels (Thailand), @minismallholding (Australia), @moonyoga (Portugal), @nathen007 (@leedsunited Thailand), @revisesociology (Portugal), @samstonehill (France), @sebcam (USA), @shepz1 (Poland), @starkerz (Cyberspace), @tggr (Singapore), @thinkit (Thailand), @trucklife-family (The Earth)
Inactive: @beckymeep (USA), @biggypauls (Philippines), @ripebanana (Trinidad and Tobago)
Total active UK: 177, Expats: 23
This shows the categories of the active and voting accounts. Level is based on 'VESTS'. Minnow equates to about 530HP and each level is 10x the previous.
This shows when people joined Hive. The last few months are shown to make any changes obvious.
UK Witnesses
Please support your local witnesses.
@someguy123, @ura-soul, @cadawg, @whiterosecoffee, @c0ff33a, @nathanmars, @shmoogleosukami
Last time I saw Fatboy Slim, I was with @djjamesblack in a sweaty club in Brighton. We were going to accost him with one of James' mixtapes but we bottled out. I think I know where he lives though...
My father did some work to Fatboy slims studio years ago, near the seafront (steel erector). On a different occasion, Zoe Ball walked into my mum and didn't say sorry lol.
"Zoe Ball walked into my mum and didn't say sorry"
There's a hashtag/meme/viral_thing in there somewhere!
go to hive pizza and stake all your tokens as well....
what do you mean go to hive pizza?

Also power up your hives in your keychain wallet bro
do this...
I'm sure he gets a lot of that. Who'd be a celebrity? Wearing a mask seems a good idea!
$PIZZA@stickupmusic! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @steevc.
Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (2/10)
Note to self update my account so my location is correct. :D
I am loving this post, would love to help out with brainstorming ideas for more visually appealing graphs. There could be so much we could get from this data, thank you so much for bringing all this together. :D
Cheers. I can make the data available to others to play with.
tokens.I'm still active , and living in Surrey √
Thanks for your kind mention √
$PIZZA@steevc! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @andy4475.
Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (5/10)
Thanks for your usual update 😁
Have a great day!
Technically the Isle of Man is not part of the UK...
It is part of the British Isles though and I think they would call on the UK armed forces if they came under attack, so I feel I can include it. I thought we had someone in the Channel Islands, but they moved. I would include those too.
Hi @steevc, Thank you for participating in the #teamuk curated tag. We have upvoted your quality content. For more information visit our discord
Go teamuk go!
I'll make sure to update my witness votes and support some of the locals! 😎
good to see our population growing! : )
well done steev
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Cool to see this list, random it thinks we are in Bradford, we are in the North West though, we’ll check out some of the UK witnesses, thank you
Posted using Dapplr
The list is not saying you are in Bradford as I did not set a specific loctions for you. I can put you down as Lake District if you want. I am debating whether we need more precise locations as it makes the list cluttered, but then people may want to know who is near them. Nothing to stop them making up their own regional lists. I can make all the data available.
I’m actually of Manx descent, it was good to see the Isle of Man listed, it could be quite useful to see not necessarily villages and towns but rather areas or counties - Impressive feat regardless, thank you
Posted using Dapplr
I just have a text file listing people. Can break it down in various ways. People are fairly random about what location data they put on their profile. In some cases I can work it out from other things. There are lots for whom I don't know what region to put them in. They can locate themselves on Pinmapple if they want.
Il take a proper look at Pinmapple, thank you
Posted using Dapplr
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Hey @planetauto, here is a little bit of from @steevc for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Cheers Steve. Have a good weekend man :)
I'm in Bedfordshire now as well :)
Just too many things happen, hard to keep up with everything
Cool. It's a small county. I know of a few others around here, but not many are active. I dream that we will achieve enough coverage for lots of local meetups.
Stay well.
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Hey @breadcentric, here is a little bit of from @steevc for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Thanks for this. I've followed a few more people now as well = D
Thanks for the update. Good to see where everyone is blogging from. I don’t have fatboy slims number but will ask around 😂
good work on keeping this going and it looks like the Brits are growing!
We just have to keep the buzz going so people keep coming back. Rock on!
Will try and help and keep the new ones we got on here going.....
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Hey @stickupboys, here is a little bit of from @steevc for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Thanks for the mention 👍🏾
Yay! 🤗
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Delegate HP and earn more, by @steevc.
Thanks for continuing to make Hive awesome.