Follow Friday: Day dreaming

in #hive7 months ago (edited)


reminding us that it is fast approaching and giving some tips on getting there.It is only 25 days to @hivefest. @alessandrawhite is

Prices from @coingecko

The crypto prices are still doing their strange things. I included $HBD this time so you can see that it has varied a fair bit, but still stays near the peg. $HIVE is not doing too much. It stays around 425th on the Coingecko chart with the 'other coin' not far behind.

$LEO seems to have settled at a lower level recently.

I am not aware of much else going on this week, but feel free to let me know what you have seen about Hive in general. I reward informative comments. Any that look like they could have been written by a bot get nothing :)

Friday Follows

I was looking at the speakers at Hivefest and there are a fair few who I have met before, some of them on multiple occasions. That includes my good friend @detlev who I expect will be exploring the local beers. He has been running a community for that for years.

I will be interested to hear what @arcange has been up to. He has not posted much recently, but he is a great guy.

I have not met @theycallmedan, but he always has interesting thoughts on all things around crypto.

I was looking at who has bought tickets and see some familiar names. I met @zirochka from Ukraine in Amsterdam. I saw @bil.prag there too where he was taking a lot of photos.

I am presuming that some people got their tickets for fiat, so I cannot be sure how many are booked to go so far. Let me know if you are going.

The End

I have not seen many people doing #FollowFriday posts lately, but if you do something similar then please let me know. It is valuable for finding people to connect with. We have a broad range of interests on Hive, but finding people who share yours is useful.

BTW @peakd used to have an editor option to insert snippets of text. I used it for my footer, but that option has gone now. We really need good editing tool to create good posts. What do you think is missing there?

Hive five!

The man behind:

@tenkminnows: Helping good Hivers level up @proofofbrian: A bot that checks for tag typos #BritList: A monthly list of Hivers in the UK

Snippets would be really useful, I'd like to have a simple footer to add easily in no time.

It was there, but now it's gone. I've not seen any updates on it.

I hope we will meet this year again )

I'm still a bit bummed that I can't go to Hivefest. I will live though, I've made it through the past five or so! I hope you have an awesome time!

I really wish you could make it as you'd have a great time. Lots of people would know who you are.

Maybe one day!

Man... good to see hivefest is still going strong 👍
i hope you have a good time SteevC. I just had a look at alessandrawhite's post you linked and it is in an interesting and affordable place this year. I've never been to Croatia... lol perhaps if the crypto markets explode in the next 2 weeks I'll find myself joining the fun 🤞

You can get a cheap bed there. It would be great if you could make it, but there will be others.

If I went I'd have to sell it to my girlfriend as a holiday 🌞 and bring her along.
Tbh, given how awesome the dinner and daytrips were at the hivefest I went to, I don't think it would be a hard sell. Just the same old issue of if we'd have enough money etc

I shall give my finances a proper look tho.
Would be great to meet you again Steev 👍

Yeah, haven’t done a Follow Friday for ages and will try at some point. This month is just stupid busy, weddings, birthdays, mad work schedules and wot not. See you all in September on here.

Have a great Hive Fest!

I find the whole peakd editing suite pretty basic, I looked at the travelfeed web page a few times, far superior.

Hi ya, 👋 @steevc!!

Just think. All this HiveFest business is in my life because you were generous enough to share your Amsterdam HiveFest-7 experience. It made a huge difference in how I feel about Hive and its community.

Emotions are connected to behavior. When you so kindly shared, I felt connected to your HiveFest experience, although I was stuck at home in Spokane, Washington (state), USA.

To get ready, I want to jot down some thoughts about active learning, questions I need answers to, and how I’d share the fun with folks at home from HiveFest-9.

Thanks to you, Steve, I get the importance of “writing back home.”

Much love! 😘