SPinvest's Largest HP Delegation: Time for a Change?

in #hive5 months ago (edited)

Hello SPIers, today we look at the HP delegations we make to leo.voter through the accounts we manage and consider if it's time to move on. I dont like to move delegations about and normally if a project is having problems, I'll stick with them for a while to give them time to recover.


Leo.voter is prone to missing 2-5 days per month in a normal month but lately it's been more than that. I can turn a blind eye to it happening every now but when you get used to factoring in missed payments, it is maybe time to bounce. I miss 1 div payment and I know about it, I'd guess LEO get hundreds of DMs a day all asking for the same thing.

We are told to go and create a support ticket. This will take a few weeks to resolve if you are lucky during which time, you miss more payments requiring you to open new tickets in a never-ending cycle. Would you spend 20-30+ minutes gathering information, opening a ticket, interacting with the rep over days, waiting for them to reply, etc for a few LEO tokens?

If you make something hard or long to do, people will not do it. Simples


COMMENT - Loving Every Oversight...

... if you have missed payments and been too lazy to open a support ticket because its not really worth your time?

Im fairly sure the LEO team is fully aware when leo.voter misses payments and they could easily adjust the next payout amount to include missed payments. leo.bounties is a simple distribution bot and should only be a few lines of simple code, not some super complex thing. It should never miss payouts. The fact that it does is suspicious. The fact they dont back pay automatically is odd when every other project that misses payments backpay automatically.

What are we looking for and how much?

In total, we have close to 300k HP delegated to leo.voter through SPinvest projects. For projects like EDS and DAB, the consistency of the value of the reward is more important than the yield %. For wallets like @spivest and @spi-store, it's more about the yield %. The most important thing is "how passive is it?"

& 106k HP from my personal account if I decide to curate with the eds-vote trail@spinvest = 45,941.397 @spi-store = 101,594.262 @eddie-earner = 102,128.017 @dailydab = 47,390.971

Ideally, with our HP, we can earn HIVE, HP or any token that is easily converted into HIVE. LEO has a decent trading volume so selling them is easy enough without having any impact on the price. There would not be any point in delegating 300k to a project that rewards 40% in a token that has no market volume or liquidity. We need liquid HIVE coming in each week, liquid cash flow to pay divs and make new investments.


Our options

We basically have 3 options.

There is not alot of solid options on HIVE these days. There are options but we could count on 1 hand the projects that offer cashout liquidity, decent dividends and are sustainable.

ProjectAPYHow often?
1HP curation9-10%Weekly
3PWR voter8%Daily
  • HP curation would yield us HP which would require us to start a weekly paydown. To make it completely passive, all accounts would follow the curation trail for @eds-vote. I also plan to add another 100k HP from my personal account to follow this trail as well so it would be like increasing eds-vote vote value by 400k HP in a backward way.

  • Brofi would yield us BRO tokens, around 80-100 per week. I think short term the token has enough trading volume for us to dump rewards into but long-term, week after week, month after month im not so sure. I think selling 100 a week would erode the price over time. Plus to get the 10%, we'd need to sell them at the same price brofi paid for them to be able to distribute them. The more BRO brofi buys, the more they pay per BRO. The more BRO we sell, the less we get per BRO.

  • PWR is soft pegged to 1 HIVE each. The APY is low at 8% but PWR can be used to earn around 25% in the PWR/HIVE LP on Beeswap (12% when we factor in the HIVE used). We already hold a large stake in this LP so.....

The winner here would have to be HP curation. I never would have thought we'd see a day when HP curation would be one of the highest yields for HP. Im old-school and remember 20% for leasing was normal. 25-30% back when we had voting bots. HP used to be alot more monetized than it is these days.


What do you think?

Is it time to move from selling LEO each week to starting HIVE power-downs? or are there other options? Everyone that gets a LEO upvote would see a 12% decline in the vote value but at the same time, SPinvest would not be selling 3-4k LEO tokens a week which would prob be good for the price.

Last note:
If we do pull all delegations from leo.voter, I plan to collect missed payment data for the past 2 years over a few accounts and make a massive refund claim request. They say backpay on request so this should not be an issue 😁 I'd say we've missed out on thousands of LEO to date.


Getting Rich Slowly from June 2019

Token NameMain AccountLink to hive-engine
SPI token@spinvestSPI
LBI token@lbi-tokenLBI
Top XV token@spinvestXV
Eddie Earners@eddie-earnerEDS
EDS miners@eddie-earnerEDSM
EDS mini miners@eddie-earnerEDSMM
DAB token@dailydabDAB
DBOND token@dailydabDBOND
RUG token@rugemRUG
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Quorator, IndiaLEO, HOLcommunity, Hive Pakistan, DUO plenty of projects which you can spread your delegation over. 80 percent to 90 percent of curator rewards will be returned out of them if I am not wrong.

Hive Pakistan

Thanks for recommending. You can also explore @pakx now. Pakx is a sister project of hivepakistan.

Even if not all Delegation as first priority, it would be a smart move to delegate little bit to @pakx as well.

massive refund claim request

It will be legendary!

Sad to see you spreading misinformation.

This is completely inaccurate and you said in your own post you’re unwilling to pull proof of it?

We make remediated payments to any missed delegation payouts. Saying that you subjectively believe this to be inaccurate, accusing us of not paying and then saying you also are unwilling to provide proof is harmful to the project and baseless without actual data.

Would recommend editing this post to say it’s your opinion and not data-backed fact.

Also you should watch announcements more closely, we talked about this issue at length and also sent multiple double payments + our normal remediated payments.

Feel free to pull if you find this in accurate, but I won’t allow people to post nonsensical misinformation that isn’t grounded in any fact without correcting them as I am doing here.

You're not correcting me. You are trying to say im wrong by saying you started remediated payments a few weeks ago. This was after leo.voter only paid out 9 days in a month. What about before this?


Show me the data of all back payments for the months of missed payments before you started remediated payments a few weeks ago.


Who said we started remediated payments a few weeks ago?

The day after a payment is missed, the remediated payments start.

Also, what you're showing above is not an accurate representation of dates. You're using the approximated dates on a hive block explorer

To accurately show dates, I recommend using a spreadsheet and showing actual xx/xx/xxxx dates

As I said, I pull this data regularly and handle remediated payments myself. When people make accusations and have no data to actually back it up, I have a problem with that. Some people read blog posts like this one and believe what you're saying is accurate despite the lack of data.

I track what things yield over time, not on a daily basis. Im seeing that it's not yielding 12% for us over the course of 3,6 or 12 months. This could be many reasons for this.

I'll remove that line you highlighted.

oh if you track it then we should have no problem

Can you show me your tracking that indicates you’re not earning 12%?

Actual data + dates and calculations

Like I said in DM, thanks for helping me make my mind up.

You've handled this well

Enjoy the rest of your day

I approach things from a data driven mindset and everyone knows that I have an open door policy for feedback

When feedback is given, I listen. I definitely prefer it to be constructive feedback that is backed by reality but still listen even if that is not the case. I will publicly correct if I see accusations that are contrary to data

Making your mind up either way is a good approach and I hope that clarity has been given here as opposed to subjective opinion. Have a good one

It's always hard to say goodbye to something that brought you so much, but I agree that the lack of consistent payouts recently is a real shame. Like you said, this is happening too often and should be easy to fix.

There could also be an option to only undelegate part of the HP, like 50%, but I also like the fact to either go in a project fully instead of half-heartedly. Go big or go home they say right... And that's much easier to track and manage of course.

Pretty curious to hear the opinion of the other long term SPI holders!

It Is annoying and that’s why we’ve built an entirely new server to fix it going forward. Since that was pushed live, I haven’t seen a single missed payout.

That being said, it’s not happening often and it’s already fixed along with old missed payouts getting paid in full and all delegators made whole - a fact this post completely leaves out.

It’s all good though, I guess I’ll just correct the misinformation one-by-one since nobody seems to provide any actual data. Lol

You've fixed things over the past few weeks, im talking about the months and months before that.

I'll open a support ticket for missed payouts so you'll see the data list.

Nope those were also fixed and remediated immediately after the fact. The fix I'm referring to above was improving our entire APIs server and Hive Node infra to ensure no more missed payouts going forward.

You can open a support ticket for those in months past and I will be able to clearly show you the remediated payouts and the ledger balancing out on both sides

I've done this for many others as remediated payouts aren't quite so obvious (since it's an increase in APR over subsequent days rather than releasing a bunch of double payouts).

Thanks for the reply. And good to hear it should be fixed now.

Looking at my personal situation, about a week was missed in the latter part of September (as can be seen below). That's not a big issue, as long as it's fixed and communication is clear. But what is a bit annoying is that I did report a ticket on Discord and never got a reply. Can imagine you're working on a lot of developments and fixes, and it's too much of a hassle to reply to all tickets, but it can feel annoying still. Besides that, the general Inleo-experience is good, so not much too complain ;)


Brofi powers down to buy bro...... liquidity and price would not be effected tbh

I dont wanna be selling BRO each week, I do it with some LGN each week and I dont really like doing it but I need the HIVE. Its easy to powerdown!

true that, does that affect your curation APR?

Ye, fuck Leo!

Shut up, and drink khool-aid

Haha xD

Well, I'd not say fuck LEO but it's nice to see your enthusiasm 😀

Well. Leo have just become a Leech on Hive at this point x)

  • Now making content behind a paywall.

How is the bot missing payments? I'm not familiar with the technical aspect I would imagine if code is stable is usually just works. I think we all just need to do what's best for Hive.

I have no idea how it missed payments or why a repayment structure has to be invisible to anyone not reading every update.

Moving the delegations made to different projects within the #Hive ecosystem is excellent since the support for them is appreciated and even more so at specific moments in which they could be presenting problems that they surely solve quickly. The truth is that I should give him a vote of confidence

spread the love

Delegate some to brofi and give divs in the form of bro! :p

There seem to be quite a few posts of missed Leo delegation payments lately. In fairness, LEO should increase the %APY with the $10 membership hustle they have going on. Good luck with your new strategy.

Yesterday's payment was 11.8%, not sure where the repayment is in there, lol.

Yeah, you would think paying delegators would be a priority. I had a quick look and see that was a massive gap of missed payments!!! I know the LEO gang are hustlers, but that is extreme penny pinching! LOL

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