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RE: Possible to make HIVE a full time job

in #hive6 months ago

It's hard getting back on the posting wagon, i try on my personal account from time to time but cant be bothered, I have so many posts sitting in drafts its crazy.

Sadly there's no incentive on HIVE to create really good content, which means spending more than 2-3 hours on a post. No incentive cause the post reward is after 7 days. If it were every 7 days instead, we'd be more likely to create better evergreen content.

I'd say if you could good content rewards, go for it. Even for 6-12 months when the price of HIVE is low and you can get more rewarded.


Yeah. I have a number of half done posts in drafts that will never get finished now since they're not really relevant to me nowadays. Some go back over a year. 😂

My intial enthusiasm from when I replied this morning is already waning. Just call me fickle. 😂

It's the community interaction I miss most though.