You make some interesting points. I would like to know how many people have actually been on boarded to HIVE as a result of our current and past marketing strategies, as I agree that most content on the front page is shit.
Not to throw shade on anyone trying their hardest or anything, just saying I never find anything I enjoy outside my favorites, and even then it gets scarce.
In my honest opinion HIVE is still too much hassle for people who are accustomed to the ease of mainstream social media. It requires too much personal accountability and foresight. Our token isn't traded on U.S. exchanges, so the quickest & easiest way to get it that I've found is to buy LTC, and swap it via Hive Engine. That's an incredible leap for a newcomer to a blockchain environment. So, I do see how there could be a benefit to getting them here by giving them $$ to figure out how to get out, especially if they're also incentivized to stake the majority of it. I think this deserves further discussion.
Edit to add I'm thinking of a training program that pays to learn beginning with small things like verifying, staking/unstaking, encrypted memos, up to bigger things like successfully starting/maintaing a community or launching a token, giving them a chance to decide along the way whether or not to take what they've gotten and go or doubling down and reinvesting, until they've had ample time to really see what's here, and bring some friends.
I pretty much agree with anything in your comment.
A HIVE "academy" with rewards would be a great incentive. Rewards based on performance. Thats proper forward thinking and a proven model on other platforms.
How would we flesh something like that out and implement it? Honestly, if we're spending money in the millions for marketing, I feel like something like this would go way farther, with a lot less. We should hash out a trial run and figure out how to experiment with it.
I guess first thing would be a free account* that is verified on creation and rewarded with enough of a sum to get people's attention, but staked. As the new user completes tasks to learn they earn liquid.
Set up clear save points where the user makes a decision to leave with what they have or stay to earn considerably more. We don't want to make a system vulnerable to hit & run abuse or exploitation, but we want newcomers to feel like they can leave at anytime and get honestly rewarded for their time & attention spent. The crypto environment is notoriously riddled with scams, so making sure they feel safe and in control is imperative.
*I haven't used it, but I hear Leo has an easy Lite account sign up process we should try to use or mimic.
Gamify the experience as much as possible. Make each opportunity to stay or go feel like leveling up. Do you want to burn the experience and call it game over or get new toys to increase your earning power? There are a lot of tasks that can be performed to gain experience.
A few that come to mind after the ones above are things like, staking HBD, setting a Peakd beneficiary, delegating HP/RC, using various sidechains for swaps, research and invest in a Hive Engine token, staking to another account, taking control of their own account (incrementally), posting on the experience, of course (which will be manually reviewed and upvoted/curated), and more stuff I'm not thinking of right off the top of my head.
Always pay out rewards 50/50 liquid/staked but offer to match interest earned by x2 or x3 if they power up the liquid portion. Set it to where at the end of a month, if they follow the game plan, they have a few hundred $$ they can cash out, or graduate by taking full control of their account, changing the keys, settling in, & moving on to recruitment, NOT SHILLING*.
*During the last major bull run I learned something about people. No one cares how cool you think something is or how profitable it is for you when you're trying to sell them on something new & scary. As soon as they realize there isn't a wheel barrow overflowing with money for them en route, they're lost. The idea of giving them money inside a puzzle they have to solve to collect seems like it could have a lot of potential.
Anyone have anything more to add? I'd like to keep discussing this.
Your ideas make a lot of practical sense. I like the concept of a reward based puzzle game, that leads people deeper into engaging with the platform while learning, yet designed to keep out the pure milkers (the hardest bit id say)
If you are free i hope you consider coming to say hi,
I’d like to invite you to come discuss ideas like this further at a new show on hive discord that @peaceandmoney and @shadowspub and myself will be doing this coming Wednesday. It is designed to be a casual chat and chew on ideas just like what you are talking about here! The Crypto and Cola chat,this Wednesday at 8pm UTC and you can find us in the Official Hive Discord server. A link to the server is right here ---------->
I'm not sure what tomorrow looks like yet, but if I'm free I'll try. Just be warned this isn't really a fleshed out idea or anything, just thoughts off the top of my head.
Some good ideas here.
Aside from the gamification aspect, we've done a lot of these things through the Saturday Savers Club on the @eddie-earner account. We're just now planning for 2025 which will launch on 4 January 2025. In fairness, there have been other initiatives, too, over the years.
It's taken four years to build the Club, but we're ready now to bring new comers to Hive. I did some workshops at a Conference in June where there was a lot of interest and which helped me understand what people needed to get started. I'll be running a couple of online workshops with a community I work with leading up to the next Launch.
I'm also progressing another idea for a readers and writers community, with an emphasis on bringing more readers/consumers/curators to Hive.