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RE: Regarding DHF and HBD APR.

in #hive7 months ago

I agree that accountability and transparency are very lacking in regards to many DHF proposals.

I personally think saving APR should be no higher than 10%, don't compete with HIVE APR, just compete with FIAT savings APRs. Get people to buy into HBD and save on chain in full control of their assets as opposed to trusting banks etc.

Generally.. from a statistical stand point. HBD printing is fine. We can go as far as 30% of HIVE market cap before the system self regulates and stops printing HBD.

So if HBD equates to anywhere between 15-25% of hives market cap I personally don't think we need to cut back at all.
That being said.. We absolutely need DHF proposal users to be transparent and accountable for what and HOW they spend that money. If the are not doing so efficiently then they shouldn't be funded in the first place.

Some would argue the HBD printing at this point is creating too much sell pressure.. No..
The problem is we're not generating any BUY pressure.. We're giving people absolutely 0 reason to power up hive. Most people don't even know we exist there is that little marketing and presence, though it's improve somewhat in recently it's still far from being enough.
Onboarding and retention are absolutely garbage, front end UX experiences are not optimal and dated. There's a lot that needs fixing yet seemingly nothing is getting done.

Also agree with everything should have an end date with being fully self-sufficient and self funding. We should never need to have proposals for maintaining projects.. full stop. There isn't a single thing that I can think of that can not in one way or another become self sufficient.

I'm a hive witness supporting the blockchain.


It's still very extended the ''Hive is for spending, not saving''. Although it's easy to fall in the falacy at the bottom of bear markets.

ideally my post is a capitulation signal.

For now, HBD at 20% apr is good. If we don't manage to grow a 20% year after year we are fcked anyway.

And we need vastly higher amounts of HBD in circulation to enable HBD itself as a stablecoin. But giving them away irrepsonsibly is not the solution.

overall I agree with most of what you said.

Pd. I'll vote for your witness, thx for letting me know.