You have made a very good point. I was not aware that Justine left HIVE. Saying that, I don't know the particulars. We saw DLive do the same thing some time back in our old neighborhood after being funded by the STEEMIT.COM ninja-mined accounts.
Although I am not a big fan of centralization, something does need to be done. Many HIVE folks are apathetic towards voting proposals from the DAO and also do not do the required research into the proposals and those submitting those proposals if they do vote. We have the same problem with block-producer/witness voting. At times it becomes more of a personality contest.
This topic effects all of the HIVE Community regardless of their amount of stake. Like most social constructs, 10% of folks make a difference the other 90% are just around for the ride and are too self-absorbed to even take an interest. Sadly, at times, I am one of those people (the 90%).
One of the first proposals I voted was the Return Proposal
by @gtg. The proposal made sense to me ensuring that only proposals with a great deal of support would receive funding.
Some will remember The Foundation that was put together back when we were on STEEM that had community elected representatives to look at funding of proposals. Many of the board members were very active and trusted members of the STEEM Community. Would something like this work? I would suggest that any person that has a proposal, be it pending or funded, be unqualified for membership to such a DAO Regulatory Board/Foundation due to the possibility of there being an unethical conflict of interest.
I do not have all the answers and defer to those like yourself that are much more knowledgeable on these matters. I salute you for taking an active interest and having the courage to share your thoughts as well as possible solutions to an ongoing problem.