@justinsunsteemit is a crook.
I have initiated a congressional investigation into his nonsense. Why not join me? Quit complaining and do something!
Not only has he seized assets of STEEM investors but has also stolen American Tax Payer funds (no, that money in DC does not belong to Congress or President Trump for that matter). Let me make this easy for you...
Find your Congressman in Washington
Find your Senators in Washington DC
Good initiative but i think stealing funds like this is more likely to land him in jail. If he nulls accounts im almost positive he will be facing a lawsuit.
Cool. You are not American, so probably do not empathize with my outrage and the outrage of my fellow Americans.
I do relate to it but are you sure him getting the 2 mil was illegal?
Illegal? You just don't get it do you? Well, at least you are consistent in being obtuse. Legality has nothing to do with it. Ethics does!
If only ethics mattered much. Not sure why youre being hostile but good luck with the initiative anyways.
Not meaning to be hostile, if that is your perception. Just stating my position.
Oh, and by the way? Really don't need your approval on my initiative. You know why?
Im just sharing my opinion. Who said you needed approval from anyone to do what you want to do.
rag-head fuck. If I did not say it before I will say it now, go fuck yourself with a pig's dick. Fucking Arab motherfucker. Yes, I am racist and hate boy fucking Arabs.
There, I admitted it. Don't like that fucking Polack either. You can both fuck off.Oh and by the way @dr-frankenstein, you