Data sample for body. The main idea is to send a post from my gatsby app, using a gatsby-plugin
based on the initial work of @codingdefined.
Programming as many other things we can do, allows us to create. The feeling about creating something is amazing. Makes you feel great. -@theghost1980.
How's the work doing so far?
So far I have been able to fetch the data without using the plugin itself, first phase. Also in order to not crash the app, on the building time, I have used dummy data that match the data that comes from the api. So the initial render functions do not break.
Part 1 (data fetching)
- fetch data
- create the nodes for each post & inject data into graphql
- create the json_metadata field as json-object so it can be easily maniputaled by grapqhl queries
- add pagination configuration, so you can decide how many posts per page & create the page dinamically
- create a nodeImage as child of each post to pull the data easily from grapqhl
Part 2 (submiting a post)
- check if the permlink is non existent for this particular author
- construct the json_metadata based of the analysis of the body images present(if any) "on the go"
- construct the json_metadata.tags as an array from the user's input on the editor
- safely use the posting private key (.env files + gatsby handling to inject env variables into JS code)
Some tests I did so far
Are you mad? Are you testing directly to the mainnet? Under another account which is yours also????....???
I know, I know this is a big risk. Maybe I will get a downvote by doing this. But as I cannot set up a testnet right, I prefer to take that risk. :D
I have tried to use the gatsby-remote-plugin in order to pull the json_metadata.images array into a new object node. The problems I have found are:
- The plugin need a fast internet connection in order to bring the data as fast as possible. This plugin will copy all the image files into local content, in order to use the plugin-sharp to make possible the fluid/fixed queries inside graphql.
- So due to this limitations. I had stop using this plugin, mainly because of my isp speed. I have decided to use the image as it comes from
Near future improvements?
Well first of all I have many ideas but so far:
- Adapt of the current working code as a configurable plugin.
Key points
-After digging into Hive repository I could notice they are using the following npm packages to format correctly the pseudo markdown used in the posts.
- "remarkable": "^2.0.1".
- "sanitize-html": "^2.3.2".
By using those 2 the body data can be easily formatted as they do and cleaned from any error on typying also.
Where can I see your work?
I haven't uploaded the code on my github account yet. As soon as I get a decent product, I will publish some date and make it public. Stay tuned.
What if I want to see the previous work done?
Please feel free to see @codingdefined repository right here.
Any updates for today's work?
In deed yes. I will work on constructing the post's data. Specifically the fields: json_metadata
, so it can respect the initial form as used in hive.
Data for testing markdown bellow
H1 Title
H2 Title
A h3 Title
A h4 Title
A h5 Title
A h6 Title
This is a test coming from Gatsby client.
Things are not that easy
It is a lot of work getting all the necessary to implement a crypto-social network.
Single line of code
let gatsbyJS = document.getAllByName("all");
Multiline of code
const imageNode = {
id: createNodeId(`${firstImage}`),
imageUrl: `${firstImage}`,
internal: {
type: `CoverImage`,
description: `dummy`,
contentDigest: createContentDigest({}),
Lists ul & ol
- List 1.
- List 2.
- List 1.
- List 2.
- List 3.
Finally more Images:
Posted using my wannabe gatsby-plugin from