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RE: Chat Stories

in #hive5 years ago

You had snark where?

I probably picked it up but not really because I can be a nasty piece of work so other people's small snarks don't really register XD

Those text stories are actually difficult to pull off well so definitely think there is some "value add" there (and my snark is gonna come up soon because I still hate dem buzzwords XD).


XD if snark was not visible,then i'm thankful~ to be honest, i didnt think i was particularly being snarky just being a bit more blunt than usual :3 but i thought some people might read that raw honesty as a snark so i included that disclaimer at the end XD

and yeah, them text stories are not super simple to make, but if you have internet, original idea, time and willingness to make something entertaining instead of just doing entitlement-postings i think, ...idk, people can do a lot more for others instead for selves... imo

fyn's snarks are sensible and has just bases :> i also dislike buzzwordssss~ but gotta admit that some of them have trickled into my vernacular cuz working at corporate life blehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Oh maybe that's why I didn't pick up any snark, there was none XD And you know me I"m a blunt tool, I like bluntness and raw honesty, requires less processing power XD

People could totally do a bit more for others but I think some (a lot) have yet to discover the satisfaction that comes from helping/giving to someone else without expecting reciprocation, or of just doing something because it's fun/satisfying rather than focusing on what they can get for it (though in fairness I suppose when you are constantly told to apply that idea to chores that nobody wants to do but that have to be done anyway, it's fair that people automatically avoid that at any and all cost XD).

In fairness to the buzzwords, they were innocent common vernacular like everything else and then corporate happened to them XD