Hey @stellabelle, first of let me thank you for all your valuable feedback!
My biggest takeaways from this discussion is that we need to achieve a much better user experience in on boarding BEFORE going into a marketing campaign. That totally makes sense, we don't have to rush things. In a best case scenario we would be able to start a campaign late this summer.
Onboarding is a key successor for HIVE, I'am pretty sure many of those great artists & devs on HIVE are already working something in the meantime.
In any case, I'v added a Business requirements section to the proposal, which should make sure, those community requirements are met before spending HIVE funds into advertisement.
Business requirements:
If any of the following goals aren't met, no campaign will be started and all funds (if any) will be refunded to the Decentralized Hive Fund (DHF):
- Minimum funding requirement for at least one monthly budget won't be achieved
- A professional, userfriendly and dead simple landing page for user onboarding is available
- Community will deceide if those requirements are fulfilled for candidates using dPoll
- A professional, userfriendly and dead simple create-account page for user onboarding is available
- Community will deceide if those requirements are fulfilled for candidates using dPoll
Regarding eSteem, peakd.com and all those other frontends out there:
When creating the campaign, it's best practice to target specific user groups. In this case we would send mobile device users into the best possible app for mobile users like eSteem and for desktop maybe peaked.com.
My main goal here is to maximize the efficiency of used funds here of course. Details on this have to be discussed.
I'll make follow-up posts on this proposal in upcoming weeks and go into details on all those aspects. So community may decide at a later point if it's a good idea to vote into this or not.
Thanks so far @all who contributed here in the comment section! I really like how HIVE community seems to be less toxic than from what I experienced on STEEM.