Dear LearningPages please tell me how I can contact your business email as I cannot contact you via your contact page on your website. If you could provide me your business email because I need your guidance on fixing my website mobile mode somehow as I recently had to uninstall google's amp plugin please let me know help please help.
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Whether I can help you will depend on how you host your site.
Thank you so much learningpages am really humbled.
I've had a look your website. You won't be able to make changes unless you can access and change the raw HTML.
It works well on a mobile, the fonts are fine and the loading time is okay, but it would be quicker if there was not so much going on e.g:
I have a person helping me with rotation proxies to view the website of late, so I cannot remove the advertisements. I do not know the method of doing Pinterest SEO. Thank you so much for your guidance. I'll try to do further research in order to improve the things you told me about.