But yeah, let's keep celebrating!

Renault Clio Rally5 car with which "we" had the honor to compete in the highly acclaimed and prestigious Athens Acropolis WRC3 competition.The Hive-sponsored World Rally Car, driven by our Pro Pilot @ssekulji. Last year was a high-performance
One of the most challenging rallies in the world. Known for its rough terrain and unpredictable weather. The Acropolis Rally of Greece, tests the limits of both driver and machine making it a perfect stage for showcasing the power and endurance of the Hive-sponsored car.
And with which this year, in barely 11 days "we'll" be competing once again but this time with a much more fancy Ford Fiesta Rally3. And in which so far, in just one week, "we" have already invested $76,882,00 and in which thru the eleven days remaining, "we" will probably invest a similar or higher sum because we are determined to attracting and onboarding new people to Hive. ¡Wish us luck! Because we're gonna need it.

«Šekuljica Slaven & Petrović Damir»

¡Join us to onboard new hivers!

"Follows, Comments, Rehives & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"

We've invested how much in that thing? And I'm over here running a witness server, building apps and living on dollar-store cheap food with no money behind any of my work for Hive that is far more likely to interest an actual user in using it, than some rich boys toy car that like ten uninterested-in-crypto or blockchains type people on Earth will ever even see? FML!
Oh yeah, that's right. Since you've been missing from here for over two years or so, chances are you've missed out on the fun of trying to fatten up chickens by feeding them caviar. But don't worry bro. It will be enough that you «click» on the correct links throughout this post to satisfy your curiosity about the numbers by yourself.
FML indeed mate. Unless, unless you throw a more compelling proposal at the feet of the financial-savvy sage guys of this place with an irresistibly much more promising "sport" and calmer activity for the crowd full of fun & excitement to market and promote our blockchain more effectively.
Oh it was a rhetorical question, that stupid ass car was here when I left for my break.
That it is STILL here is what makes me a bit angry.
That said, I did follow some links you made and also double checked the proposals and I don't see the silly expensive "marketing" plan one that included the car or the fancy hotels for the elite "marketers" on the proposal list anymore. Maybe people realized what a HUGE waste of HUGE money that one seemed to be, as it never produced results and our user attrition has not only lowered, its higher than ever. Barely anyone coming in, and lots leaving over time. Definitely not the "rally" we paid for.
Sheesh! you are right. Perhaps I should have given you these links instead because they are a little more complete.
But yeah, you are right. Even on these other two sites I just checked and couldn't find a proposal to finance the Rally Car. I don't know why it doesn't appear now, but I can almost swear that I saw it once. Well, to avoid sound a bit conspiratorial, let's say I saw it somewhere else.
Now, if I end up confirming that an onerous stipend of this nature of more than a million dollars from the community was never really elaborated and introduced through an official proposal or approved publicly and formally by general consensus for a hobby so expensive, useless and unproductive for the benefit and true growth of the ecosystem.
Don't you find it interesting to know how and why tons of money continues to be thrown in wheelbarrows at this project even to this day and who or whom are behind its approval?
I dug around, the proposal was "Value Plan" and it was only set for ten days and expired, but did get voted enough to win, so it probably made its 150K it asked for over ten days and went away again. It was up there like a week ago.
Blocktrades, Smooth, and etc., are behind the proposals that are approved, because they and their ilk have the bulk of Hive with which to vote.
User attrition is necessary to maintain control of Hive governance by the oligarchy. Were Hive an attractive investment for IRL legacy money then some fatcat would just buy all the Hive tokens on the market for as long as it took and take control of the witnesses.
That's what created Hive, after all.
By driving people off the platform the oligarchy makes Hive unattractive to investors, and that alone enables them to retain control of governance of the plutocracy Hive is.
Ah the short sightedness of it all. But so it has always been, so it shall probably be.
Still gonna build my fun toys here like HiveStreams.live and run my team witness @pollenation with Enginewitty and participate. But for me, its a place to live and a community of smart people to commune with. So it would work without the money for me, all other things being equal. I don't like seeing "our" money being wasted though, on silly things that don't bring us more fun, or more people or more financial stability, but rather cost us all by taking money from things that COULD maybe bring those things via the sometimes very ridiculous DHF proposals we've seen. Like rally cars and copy-cat card games that cant make themselves profitable to begin with.
As it does for me, as I do not use Hive as money. I am here for free speech, which is existentially necessary to our survival, and becomes moreso every day.
Do you live stream your free speech? Be a lot cooler if ya did :) Only 5 days old, be in on the ground floor! https://hivestreams.live :) My baybee - been working on it for about two weeks, quite literally around the clock. More and more features and improvements coming daily!
By the way, its funny you showed the car launching Alaskan thing. I just watched this like 2 days ago because I am a PrestonGoes fan anyway :)
How about funding little league, or minor league baseball teams? Plastering the Hive logo on a dozen baseball uniforms for little kids would cost ~$100 per team. For the money we spent on the rally car in one week, we could have ~7500 kids wearing the Hive logo while they played a team sport running around and having fun.
But, how about just giving people 10 HBD instead? Then ~7500 people would have ~$10 to spend on businesses that accept HBD. That would introduce people to the blockchain, to Hive, and perhaps drive them to open accounts and start using Hive directly. There are so many better ways to 'market' Hive it's not credible that funding a rally car is being done as marketing Hive.
It's a hobby that would be too expensive and unproductive for me, but apparently Hive can afford it. I don't know who the people are that actually put $ in to Hive, but I know I'm not one of them, and I don't care too much about how the folks with the votes spend the money of the people that do.
I like looking at numbers, though, so I checked out the wallet info you linked. Your estimate of about $154K total sounds like about the right price to get a car in the race, but the wallet transactions didn't look like they added up to anything close to that. Can you tell me what I'm missing here?
I always love reading your delightfully cranky news!
That's easily 10 years of living expenses for most of the people that use Hive. It's not an investment. IMHO it's some money laundering scheme that people involved are tapping through some kind of kickback or quid pro quo, typical of government funding, of the Ukraine war, for example.
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Hey @por500bolos, here is a little bit of from @thehockeyfan-at for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.If you don't like how hive is managed, buy more hive.
Or, organize a fork that makes better sense and the crowd may follow.
Of course, you'd have to expect some of the finest coders in the world to declare war upon you.
Power corrupts.