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RE: We need to figure out our message to the crypto community.

in #hive3 years ago

I agree with everything in this post - a lot of good thoughts. Being able to send to other wallets is crucial for adoption. Eliminate barriers to entry for the less knowledgeable. I honestly thought this was a no brainer when I signed up, it's the way social media should be.


I'm looking forward to seeing what #projectblank brings to the table with leofinance.

I think the answer is a "vanilla" hive where you sign up with email and everything is super basic and you "unlock" things as you progress. Once you get to a certain point you can access full custody of your account with keys if you so choose.

Basically you can start off with a generated account name of random characters but have a "display" name used on front ends.

I just can't get behind huge pushes for more users without a more simplified and intuitive onboarding process.

Could you imagine if you could link an outside wallet and set it as your preferred payment? Like your payouts get auto claimed and automatically swapped to the crypto of your choice with a small fee paid to the Hive ecosystem?