Anyone trying to equate the freezing of Stinc accounts by the community witnesses due to a lack of clear and direct communication from Sun to this group of centrally voted, sham witnesses freezing the accounts of people they arbitrarily decided should not be able to use their well-earned stake in Steem is being disingenous, whether they know it or not.
You can ask the people that implemented 0.22.8888 their reasoning, but it's hard to trust something that comes out of the mouth of an unethical person with every reason to spout lies that absolves them of responsibility or guilt. Privately, with those affected, they've been more forthcoming about it being about spite and hostage-taking for a Hive airdrop they explicitly did not earn.
When's the last time Sun Yuchen showed any public interest in Steem? He even went so far as to go back and delete all of his tweets about acquiring Steemit and his subsequent dealings with Steem.
I think he's written it off and uses it as a thing to play with if his corrupt hand touches it at all. He definitely does not seem interested in spending much resources to improve it, that is evident in this statement:
Thank you for your interesting detailed answer! I will take a closer look to the 100 days project.
Regarding the 100 days of Steem, you're not missing anything but a lame, half-assed attempt by an incompetent failure of a PR person to hold some semblance of an ignorant community together by giving out free candy. They'll retain the people that think like children. We'll see how well that goes.