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RE: Bye Hive

in #hive5 years ago

Meh, let her or people bad mouth hive to their group and anyone that wants to listen, from those that blindly agree we will be saved the agony of seeing them in feeds, and the few who decide that well fuck it the place is a dump but I don't mind the smell and it is a little better when I close the curtains well that is the best you can hope for and I think that at least adds benefit with less useless drama. It is not like this chain will change and only a new chain can improve so if people can't deal with the fact we do have to stay in a lane for the most part because if you don't have the money you have no say then that is just too bad.


Id rather not have people talk badly about us no matter the reason. No matter if you think shes right or wrong.

If people do not get told something is shit how will they know? whether it is shit does not really matter, because those who know it is not will do their thing to keep it not being so and at the very least be the exception. I don't think it is so bad, but ideally, it should be a bit of both when talking about these things. Sure you can like it but you must also admit to the failures. Someone that only sells you the shit part therefor is doing so to cover-up their own failure.

I think youre overthinking this.

Imo its pretty simple. She has lots of followers. By looking at the nominations shes one of the top influencers (no matter if you think she deserves it or not) and she got burned here and thinks most people on HIVE are assholes.
Id rather she doesnt bad mouth us. It could not matter, maybe some more drama would do us good, she does have a lot of haters but id rather not test that.

what am I supposed to do with this then?

So got burnt, then sat down in the flames.

She’s a cunt. Just like your ex you pretend to be.