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RE: Gettr - Hive Competitor Gains Millions of Users Due To Support For Dr. Malone - Who I've Been Heavily Downvoted For Supporting.

in #hive3 years ago

This is where we clash. I'm not a fan of 'suggested content' in that sense. But I'll spare you the details. I'm sure you've figured out by now once I get started I don't shut up.

Those layer two options are all following Hive's lead, by avoiding attracting a paying consumer base. All onboarding attempts basically say, "Come post content here." So in business that's money out the door, no money in. I've written about this issue several times going back years. I'm truly baffled as to why this isn't catching on. Never in history could a consumer support something, and technically not spend money. The old model is 'throw money in the trash'. It's so simple as well, and fascinating. You can work out the math yourself. 20000 paying subscribers is piss in this industry yet if they all had a vote worth a dime one could run an online magazine and pay about 4 contributors fairly, entry level salary style. Then if anyone came along to downvote a buzzing organic operation like that, they'd be known as 'the stupidest f'n investor on the planet'. Because consumer demand does fancy things to a crypto. And the perk is the consumer isn't even spending money, it's still in their possession. Studies have proven if the consumer is offered perks, they're more likely to spend. Corporations have known that for years but now this time rather than making someone at the top rich, it's all shared amongst the people.

Anyway. I see you doubled down on muting me here, which is just ridiculous. Why even be like that, dude? Don't answer. Just think about it.