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RE: Hive, you have some real problems. So let's talk about that.

in #hive8 months ago

I don't see RC being much of a hassle. In the same way I don't think my remote is broken if I forgot to put batteries in.

RC is free. Even if one is buying a little bit of HP in order to get RC, there's still no cost. All you're doing taking money out of one of your wallets and putting it in another one of your wallets.

Supporting someone is similar. Why does this new member need to depend on existing HP holders? All their supporters need to do is take money from their wallet and put it inside their wallet here and can then support, for free. Actually at that point the supporter is now earning to be supportive and the one seeking support is receiving support at the same time.


So in essence, what you have described is that it's "pay to play". And as a basic premise, that's quite common and totally acceptable.

Except that's not what we advertise this to be in the first place. When I returned I was able to make my post and even reply to some early comments because I had some dust in my wallet from earlier times, about $11 usd worth across the various types of wallet coinage combined. But by the time I had responded to just a couple of comments on my post I was stuck for 24 hours, until a friend saw me mention that off platform and sent me a small delegation to resume my replies.

Later that night I told another contact I had come back and they decided to revisit their old account as well, but it had an empty wallet and they could not even make a greeting post at all.

If that's the experience for the completely uninitiated, well, can you imagine, after all the other onboard complexity, why we might not have widespread adoption and growth?

If we were very clear up front, that participation even at the most fundamental levels comes at a price, well fine, but we don't have a sign on the door for that at all. It's confusing and nonsensical to people who come from every other social media platform in the world covering their free and unlimited activity with the advertising price on their heads. Not saying that's better, but why would I blog here when I can freely publish 100000 other places? And if it's only about getting paid to blog, why should I pay to be paid?

Before you start explaining, I certainly understand the differences and even the reasons we are different, but the limits are so frustrating and to some degree unnecessary, that its clearly part of the reason we have retention issues and engagement issues and growth issues.

Even the pay to play systems, have a free to play mode. You just don't get all the benefits or rewards. There has to be a better way. What it is? If I knew for sure, I'd probably build it and get rich. But certainly we didn't have this issue in the earliest days before RC, you would need a delegation to have a useful vote or your own money, but we didn't stop you from helping build the content or participating in general. That's a problem, Houston.

The solution is already in place. Decentralized. We're all in control, of ourselves, and that's it.

You could step up and be the provider of the RC yourself. In the same way someone helped you. You're concerned with this, and that's how you can do something about it.

Something like SPL onboards plenty and provides the RC.

My problem with that is it's a free handout. If people don't get on their own feet, eventually could run into a situation where there's not enough to hand out. And that would be SPL's responsibility. A problem they'd need to solve, in order to meet their own demands.

Early on when RC was introduced, one need to delegate HP. That means for everyone I hook up, something like the value of my vote for instance is steadily decreasing. That's costing me, and making it difficult for me to support them and several others. Now, we can delegate RC directly. I'm sitting on a massive pile right now. Need some? In my mind it's like providing training wheels if it's a complete noob. I cringe when I hook people up, they finally get some HP of their own, and do everything they can to sell it. Can be a royal pain the ass sometimes especially when one could only delegate HP.

And this RC thing has been around since steemit.

I am good on RC, it's taken care of because I knew people. And I'm quite certain I'll end up paying it forward to someone or someones as well, just as I used to do the same with delegations when I maintained a funded account, was a top witness etc etc in the past.

It's not a matter of me not understanding how it works, it's a matter of completely thwarting new registrants from their first day. You can't say "post and earn!" as your mantra and then the reality be "you can sorta look around, but it will cost you to do much else and eventually you might earn, but only if you manage to last that long" first.

Yes its "been around since steemit" but only the very last days of steemit. I believe I was still running a node when it happened, even. And I didn't like it then either. When you joined steemit in the old days, you paid to sign up, it was like 6 steem or something, but it cost you, and it was advertised as such. Some communities sponsored free reg methods and covered it, ("something like SPL onboards people and provides the RC") while still other people paid to come in and play. And you were weak when you came in that way, but you weren't impotent completely.

As for SPL providing the RC etc bit, yes, thus eliminating the very same RC problem for their players that we are discussing right here itself. They have to do that, because otherwise nobody would or rather could play at all. Your solution there solves the problem Im presenting perfectly. It removes the problem that would otherwise stop the growth of their game. See how that works? Remove the problem or lose the players. Now do the whole ecosystem....

RC isn't money. The idea was never about "handouts" since it's not money at all, and that's a mistaken take from my point of view. But it takes some money to have some so its conflicting in itself. RC was always about restricting accounts from posting bulk spam to farm rewards, and honestly, at this point, there are other mechanisms preventing that from being a way to do much anyway, especially without at least one funded account to drive the upvote farm in the first place.

So it's a bit like locking a 2 foot tall fence. It's not really protecting anyone from much of anything but its keeping the "honest people" locked out to some degree at the time when they should be most enthusiastically diving in headlong and learning to love the place.

Just because someone said "post and earn," that doesn't mean that's what we do here. That's just someone operating in a decentralized environment, providing their vision, and maybe not explaining things properly.

Now do the whole ecosystem

I'll go tell DPresident. lol

Also, a few months ago I watched Vibes onboard quite a few musicians. Because they had guidance, there were issues of course, but someone was there to help.

RC is the reason this platform isn't a dumping ground. Look around. It's like one of those robot vacuums.

But it's not up to Hive to solve these problems. Hive is an inanimate object.

Dpresident made me spit my coffee through my nose 🤠

Hive is a dynamic software system, far from inanimate in this specific context. A program, which is defined as a set of operating instructions for the machine and in our context also rules for the user's operations. I am merely pointing out that either the rules need to be posted on the door like they were when we DID have big adoption 7 or 8 years ago, or they need careful reconsideration because I think the limits they enforce may create more difficulty for the ecosystem than they prevent. In that sense, it's entirely up to the Hive ruleset to be the place where such problems are solved. Or at least the registration page instruction set.

P.S. Dpresident cracks me up.

So. Let's talk about this registration page.

Which one? Would you like to tell LEO how to write theirs? SPL, Liketu, and so on.

It's not like it was back in the day. I still chuckle that we all got away with calling it Stinc. We don't even have those posts any more where we'd all go gather, all walks of life from every direction, and yell at them.

People run their businesses and if their guidance isn't sufficient, it'll come to a point where they have no choice but to fix their problems.

These days we have communities. There's always someone at the helm and a lot of members willing to help on their own. Even those intro posts. Been awhile since I looked but usually there's someone spamming a really shitty, overwhelming, TMI comment to every noob walking in the door, explaining things like RC.

I've sat with inexperienced members, explaining things.

To me, it's just life. If you want to drive, one learns how to drive first. People, for centuries, have been fine with that.

Those are some valid observations about the dApps, none that I can really argue with. To be honest, we've spent a lot of time on RC which was a point in my post for sure, but not really the main point overall, just sort of part and parcel to it.

Good lord I miss those stinc bomb posts. I'm one of like only 8 or 9 people that Ned actually fully blocked (Someone showed me he blocked account list one time back in the day from some block explorer or something back then) and I always regarded that as a badge of honor. I don't think even Aggroed ever fully blocked me completely to this day, and we've tangled WAY harder than the fires I ever held Ned's feet to.

And no, I wouldn't expect to tell all those dApps and communities how to operate, but I'd surely like to sometimes. And knowing me, if there's a venue where I can, I usually would and do. Especially if they are doing slightly slimy things like one in particular I've used this week that was fairly surreptitiously taking an 11% cut of the post rewards via automated beneficiaries.

Again, totally fair as a stipulation of use but its not disclosed on their site, their faq, their docs or in any posts from their authors I could find and I dug around and looked specifically for it after noticing it. I do not like surprises that could look shady simply because it isn't made clear before I used their interface instead of one that isn't taking a premium off the top.