
No worries. Jimmy and I got in $FWOG a month ago and are hitting all time highs and doing the proposal at least brought some visibility to some other proposals out there.

Which proposals? I see about three in approved status that all claim to be doing some marketing somehow.

I still don't know if you're serious or joking. Marketing legit products on Hive using meme token tactics would do more harm than good, would it not? These people are working towards longevity. Whereas the meme token crowd is typically looking for something quick.

That's just not the way I feel. How would it do any harm to the chain? $FWOG passed HIVE's market cap today. DOGE is a top 10 crypto and is there for the long haul so a meme can last over a decade.

I'm all about the legit products and I think a lot of stuff that has been built has been great. Splinterlands, 3Speak, Ecency, Peakd .......etc. It's all great!

Maybe people are too serious and too stingy with the funds for the DAO. We are midway through this bull run and this blockchain is clinching up and afraid to sprint forward. All this has been around for 8 years. In a lot of ways you have to ask yourself if those with the power an influence here are just looking to keep the gravy train running but sink into the shadows and go to greener pastures at this point. Instead of taking the situation on full speed and getting other things going.

Where is this chain's South Park? It's like everyone is too serious here. This proposal has been the most interesting thing to happen for awhile.


So you are serious.

Your approach made it sound like a joke. To me, at least. I thought you were just trolling the DHF for views.

My initial response was coming straight out of the South Park. Now it's gone because yeah I started to feel like maybe people do take things too seriously here.

But when it comes to pitching an idea, I'd recommend stating your intentions in a serious manner, even if the results are meant to be comical. That's why I asked, "Could you tell I'm not being serious?"

In the same way some might take my joke response seriously, some might take your serious plan as a joke. I don't think anyone wants to hand over 24k if they're confused. I know I don't.

Also, if it doesn't get approved, factor in maybe it's not that there's something wrong with people, just maybe they don't think it's a good idea.

Majority of meme tokens are junk now. Something like 95% of them, and maybe more. But I don't want to argue about that.

Yeah people take things too seriously here for sure. One of the things I realized is that people are even worried about giving their support via there vote because they are scared someone else will see they voted and will judge them for it. They might think..... "I can't support Brian because he was making fun of gay people and that's not politically correct these days."

The most ridiculous satirical content becomes reality in this timeline so why fight it? People are kicking in the sand upset that all these memes are getting more attention than something as well built out as HIVE. We can use this as a revenue model.

The confusion about if I'm serious or not is the exact confusion people will have about Jimmy Sandfield. They will be confused but the message will be received.

No one is handing over $24,000. They are essentially taking out a loan against the value of HIVE since HBD is a debt against HIVE. It's not a bad bet considering the potential upside and the fact that it is unclear how much of that loan would actually end up leaving the ecosystem.

Sure they might not think it is a good idea so they don't end up voting on it but I don't know what the goal is.

In a time when free speech is under attack and guys like Elon Musk and Trump are garnering a lot of eyes being wild and saying what they think online and then we have this decentralized platform but everyone is afraid to say anything controversial and are walking on eggshells afraid to get flagged.

Maybe I'm not your speed.... maybe I'm just too G


What's stopping you from just going ahead with it?

I am going to go forward with some variation of what was mentioned but it will be more effective for me to do so on ICP for multiple reasons. For starters out of all my recent videos in the last several months the ones with the most engagement have been when the ICP community shows up.

There are just more eyes on it at this point. There are more active users on something like OpenChat than there on on HIVE at this point.

It is more advanced tech with faster finality and the ability to store pictures, NFTs, videos.....etc on chain.

What HIVE has is more apps built out on it that have a longer track history and a more fully developed economy. I like the premise of the HIVE Backed Dollar and being able to earn interest on it and ultimately I do like some of the components built out on the HIVE Engine and the ability to get out to other chains without going through centralized exchanges. This is a little harder at this point with ICP but you can do it by trading into ckBTC or ckETH and getting back out to those chains and then work my way to something else. So it is possible.

I feel like at this point STEEM and Blurt aren't ideal candidates for this proposal for various reasons.

I think in summary after being here for 8 years it just wouldn't make sense for me to do all this to prove myself when the DAO Funds are being under utilized and the chain is losing ground. If I'm to go through all that and spend my own money to do the liquidity pool and all that why go the extra distance of pitching an ecosystem where the active users has dropped clear to 4,000 people and I don't have any significant control of the ecosystem? Why not just stop at the point of pitching the meme and stopping there?