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RE: The Hive 'Value Plan' Account

in #hive3 years ago

Shouldn't we try to increase the budget now that web3 buzzword is around? Better to spend now that there is attention and organic growth coming, than when real bear market comes. I would like to know the arguments, thanks :)


It's not a high budget but in my view, to build community trust we should start with low numbers and get some results. The way I'll be tracking success in this proposal is by the number of articles and outside engagement that we see. Normally, marketing is based on click-throughs and similar but that doesn't work too well for us due to the number of portals. Definitely going after the Web3 opportunities although it seems that everyone else is trying to rush that net.

I get it. But we have a problem: speed. Which is difficult in a decentralized ecosystem, I understand.