Spending more time on the right kind of Games

in #hive9 months ago

Why not create more games that help us solve the kind of problems we encounter in real world and cyberspace?

Don't you think it'll be better to create such game than having gamers spend too much time on games that have little to no applicability in real world issues?
Here is why this is important: sometimes I'm tempted to spend time playing games that I find attractive but worried that I could be wasting time that should have been spent on useful things that benefit society.
If we could create games that help people to be better solvers of life issues I wouldn't be too bother about the time I spend playing such games as they will be useful in solving problems I'm passionate about or talented in. Atleast no time spent playing the game is wasted since they are helping me in my other works. So imagine I'm a farmer who spend a lot of time farming, and there is a farming game in crypto that players play to have great harvest, compete among themselves and learn how to farm better. The players need to use the right soil, add the right manure with the right amount of water, and even help protect the plants from pest, diseases etc, all in hopes to have a healthy and big harvest and win the competition. Spending much time on such game as a farmer isn't a waste because you will likely learn to be better farmer playing it.
We should also develop crypto games (really fun ones) for coders, crypto traders, soldiers, lawyers, government, mobile estate developers, etc to create better problem solvers and have the players rewarded.