
Thank you, but if you feel its not the way to go, do not vote it. Say why its not the way. That breeds discussion and lets others make up their mind based on informed or uninformed arguments of either side.

!BEER , Nah I think you deserve support. People should vote this into existence.

BEERHey @lordbutterfly, here is a little bit of from @manniman for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

To your question, I think small marketing budgets spend on the overall HIVE Marketing can not achieve great success. You play the game of the biggest and highest valued companies in the entire world. If you take 100k and push one community into existence, that'll be an achievable task.

Pushing all HIVE, hmmm, you're up against the universe itself. All systems are energetically balanced, meaning it'll take a lot of external energy to achieve your goals. By following this axiom, I can only hope people will start following your lead into the offensive, otherwise, you might burn out pretty fast.

I am hoping to pull others behind this as well. I will look for additional incentives ultimately getting witnesses and dapp founders to contribute.
I would say im fairly resilient in that regards and will not get burned out, but we will see.
I came into this knowing its not easy to get the ball rolling and that sometimes it will be an uphill battle.
But you have to try it. A point came where someone had to give it a shot.
Ill do my best and if the universe decides not to reward us for the effort... well, ill accept that and any criticism that may come my way.