I can't post.....

in #hive4 years ago (edited)


EEErmmmmmmmmmmmmm - I posted this no problem

But when I try to post my actual piece - (tried 7 or 8 times), it comes up as internal server error....

Any idea's anyone?

I just tried copy pasting onto this post - same thing - what am I doing stoopd?


Try changing nodes?

I tried that matey..didn't change anything.

I was getting errors, too.
I'm not sure changing nodes fixed it, but I did that first, the errors did go away.

I can hear you five by five

... maybe.

There are so many things that can go wrong.
There are characters that you shouldn't type.
There are size limits... but they are weird. (and other people posting giant posts can affect yours and your size limit.)
You could have had a period in your tags list
You could have forgotten the title.

So many little things.

I hear you. Wouldn't it be nice if there was some feedback as to why the post button is greyed out? All I read about is the difficulty of 'onboarding' holding it all back. And yet ... to find an interface that actually had some UX thought put into it is very rare.

I can’t click "Publish" button the new post either.
Don't know what the problem is.