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RE: Do the DHF funded developers justify their funding?

in #hivelast year

Having someone vet would be good but they would most likely want DHF funding as well and you'd be expecting and trusting this one person to be honest and not taking bribes on the backend. It also starts to really centralize things when you start doing that.

Hopefully not. I dont think someone would be so nuts to take actual bribes on that. If they would I would be extremely disappointed in this community knowing that someone like that lives among us.

It honestly comes down to those top 50 or 100 people that hold the most hive that vote for these projects.

id say that anyone with the knowhow could do it. why would they need to be top 50-100? Any and all of us can raise questions.

Almost need a project manager with a decentralized voting system for what the community wants the core devs to work on next such as smart contracts.

Id definitely be up for that.


Hopefully not. I dont think someone would be so nuts to take actual bribes on that. If they would I would be extremely disappointed in this community knowing that someone like that lives among us.

Unfortunately, when money (especially a lot of money) enters the equation, all bets are off. Even good men are corrupted by money. It's not greed, it's survival. Need to pay for my kids school, wife has cancer and have to pay for healthcare, car is breaking down and can't afford to have it fixed by it is necessary, etc. Corruption has a way of working its way into even the purest hearts.