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RE: ⚠️ The Unfriendlies of Hive: Abuse & Unfriendliness are signs That Hive is NOT as healthy as we thought.

in #hive4 years ago

"Humans by nature ( look at other social media) post 99% useless bullshit. If we give them the feeling they are not welcome, simple they avoid hive"

HW don't care what content they post as long as it is not an attempt of trickery and fraud through plagiarism identity theft/deception or exploitation like spam.
If you don't like that trickstery and fraud like plagiarism is not rewarded, you can move to other social media and ask them to pay you to post such content.
You can also try Steemit or Blurt. No one care about scamming there.

You have not answered my question. You throw terms and words around that you appear to have no understanding of the meaning of. Could you please define and describe what is human nature, please?


Dafuq are you two on about?